The Meeting That Changed The Entire Fandom World of Tokyo Ghoul History.

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[Y/n]'s p.o.v.


It was a normal day for me. I woke up, got dressed, and got a call from someone. I answered the phone, it was always in a box because I can't see it, and I always had to use Siri.

[Jaye]> Hey man, you should check out this cool coffee place. It's called Anteiku

Sure I'm off today so I'll check it out <[Y/n]

[Jaye]> I'm already at the spot so cya round

After this, I headed out the door pulling on a jacket and putting on some sunglasses. I used the google maps lady to get there, just walking cause I wasn't in a hurry.
When I got there I heard my friend calling to me, probably from a table. I headed his way and sat down when I found the chair.
When the waitress came I was just staring at the spot where Jaye's voice came from, when she spoke I jumped. "Hello, can I take your order," a female voice said plainly. Jaye ordered an espresso and I got a mocha.
Halloween was coming up soon so we ended up talking about costumes.
"So [Y/n] I'm gonna be a super villan this year, you can be my sidekick. You can just wear a mask or something," my friend said. I just nodded, then I realized I didn't know where to get a mask. "Hey wait I don't know where to get a mask!" I almost yelled in worry. "Don't worry [Y/n], we'll stop by HySy. The guy that runs the place is kinda creepy though," he reassured me.
We decided that later tonight we'd go to HySy and get me a mask for Halloween. I got up to leave and waved bye to my friend.


I was being pulled by my friend. He kept saying we where close, but I didn't know how close we were before he was yelling,"Stoooop!!! [Y/n] we're here! Stop walking! Come back! [Y/n]!!" He led me back to a doorway that was open, from what I could feel- or couldn't feel.
I walked in the door calmly and felt my way around the place. I stopped infront of what I thought was a mask and, felt the pattern on it before I moved to the next one. When I was about to feel the next mask I heard Jaye calling to me over to my right," Hey [Y/n] you should know the way back, and it looks like you can find your way around here! I gotta run so see ya tomorrow!" I was about to protest when the sound of a door being slammed shut interrupted me.
I started to feel the next mask then I noticed it was softer than the others. I was wondering if it was unfinished when it didn't seem to have any designs on it. "Hmm.." I mused, thinking someone wanted a plain mask, or maybe it was an underpiece?
It wasn't until my thumb brushed against a metal lip ring that I found out it was a face and I jumped back. I could feel the blush on my face as I started apologizing," I'm so sorry!! I thought you where another mask... Um.. you have a really soft face.." The other person started laughing and I felt completely awkward standing there, infront of someone I didn't know, blushing like a little girl.
Then the person spoke in an almost bored voice,"You obviously can't see with those sunglasses on." I realized he-it sounded like a he- didn't understand my condition. I would have told him I was blind, but I could already feel hands on my face taking the sunglasses off.
At this moment he started flooding me with questions," What's your name? Are you dating anyone? Do you like animals? Full or half mask? Any metal or leather allergies?" I blinked, even if I couldn't see I still blinked when I was overwhelmed. I tried to answer all of his questions," I-I'm [y/n].. no I'm single.. I like reptiles.. Um... I don't have any allergies..."
I assumed I was being stared at then I said quickly," I'm blind, so really you don't need to make any holes for my eyes or anything!.."
There was a long awkward silence before he spoke again,"Okay. I'll take your measurements and, I can get your mask to you in three days. Oh, I'm Uta by the way." At this I gave a small nod.
He told me to sit in a stool, it took me a minute to find it. Five minutes later, he'd taken my measurements and I heard scribbling noises of a pencil on paper. The whole time I tried my best to stay still, and I tried not to make any weird noises as he tickled my head with the measuring tape.
Uta was leading me to the door when I said,"I don't think I'll be able to get home all on my own, would you mind helping me?" I couldn't see the look on his face, so I didn't know if I had made things awkward.
Then I felt Uta casually put his arm around my shoulders and say,"Sure" before I heard the door close and the sound of Uta locking it behind him. We started walking when he asked me where my house was. I told him my exact address, apparently he was familiar with my neighborhood. Uta and I walked in a comfortable silence to my house.
When we got to my house we had a short conversation about when the mask would be done, and if I wanted it sent to my house or if I'd pick it up. Just before I was about to walk into my house Uta asked ,"Can I have your number?" For some reason I didn't even think over the fact that I'd just met him, instead I just replied happily," Okay!" and I gave him my phone number.

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