Paci's, friends and sippy cups

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Harry pov

I wake up with draco cuddled into my side, he's so adorable when he's asleep!!!
I remember hermione is currently in the room of requirement with us and stand up
Draco stirs and wakes up slightly
"Dada?" He asks
I freeze
He called me that last night
why is he calling me dada?
"Dray?" I ask
He sits up and starts to have a panic attack
"Dray clam down" I say sitting in front of him
"Stupid stupid stupid" He murmurs taking his hand to his hear and bashing it
"Draco stop that now" I warn
He carries on ignoring me completely
I grab his arms and pin them down
"Your not stupid baby boy" I say "Hermione!"
He starts humming loudly and rocking slightly
"What harry" Hermione says putting her head through the door "omg, has this happened before?"
"No?" I ask
"I think... does he hate loud noises or bright lights or being touched by surprise?" She asks
"Ugh" I say confused
"Pull him into your lap and when he's calm we need to take him to madame pomphrey"
I pull him into my lap rocking us slightly
I noticed his diaper was wet, I need to change that once he's calmed down
"Shh baby boy, what's wrong? Just breath princess just breath" he started to calm down slowly
When he Calmed down enough I stood up and walked us towards the changing mat
"What do you want today princess?" I asked
"D-d-diaper" he stuttered out
"Ok baby" I quickly changed him and carried him out to the kitchen where hermione had made breakfast
"Hey draco are you feeling better now" Hermione asked
He turned away and placed his head on my shoulder
"Draco, we don't ignore people, say hello to hermione please" I tell him
He shakes head "Draco" I warn
He murmurs a quiet slurred hello
I place him in a highchair and strap him in
I place food onto the tray in front of him
He instantly digs in making a massive mess
I sigh and tuck into my food
"Thanks hermione, if he's less fussy tomorrow can you look after him, I need to catch up on a bunch of work" I ask
"Of course" Hermione said
"no" draco said
"What?" I asked
"No" he repeated looking at the wall
"Draco?" I called out to him
He started screaming
I jumped up and unstrapped him pulling him onto my hip
"Monster!" He screamed and pushed me away
"Draco, it's just me, baby, look at me, open your eyes, can you show me your eyes please" I asked "princess, let me see those beautiful eyes"
He slowly opened his Eyes and looked at me
"There's those pretty silver eyes I love" I say
"M-monster" he murmured
"There's nothing there princess, now cmon, we need to change you and go see madame pomphrey, then we can watch pinocchio yeah?" I asked remembering his current favourite movie
"Y-yeah" he hiccups leaning into my shoulder and closing his eyes
I carry him to his room and place him on the changing table
I lay him down and grab him a pinocchio hoodie and some grey pajamas
I grabbed my matching hoodie putting it on
I change his diaper and dress him carrying him to the living room
He slept on my shoulder as me and Hermione chatted quietly on the way to the medical wing
Madame pomphrey was looking after neville who had fallen off his broom.... again
And broken his arm
"Hey harry" he called out
"Hey nev, Shh dracos asleep" I said
Neville and i weren't exactly close but he was a sub so him and draco got along
He nodded and put his (not broken) arm to his lips in a shush in manner
"Could we do a medical check on draco madame pomphrey, he had what looked like an autistic fit this morning, he also seemed to be seeing what he described as a 'Monster'" Hermione said walking over to the bed besides nevilles
I placed draco down who instantly woke up and sat up, he reached up for me so I sat down and held his hand
He climbed into my lap snuggling into my matching pinocchio hoodie
"Dray?" I asked him he looked up at me "madame pomphrey needs to do some checks princess"
"Why" he asked
"Because we need to make sure your healthy" I said
"Wiw it huwt"
"No, you see my arm draco? Madame pomphrey fixing it for me so it doesn't hurt, she's really gentle and will look after you" Neville said
"Ok hunny can you move out of Harry's lap for a second so I can see you" madame pomphrey asked
"B-bu" he murmured
"Don't worry draco she won't hurt you" I offered pushing him lightly
He climbed our of my lap and held my hand tightly instead
Madame pomphrey did some tests and gasped
"He's definitely autistic, he also was abused, which would explain the hallucinations" she said
"Was atisic" draco asked
"Its a disorder draco, it just means you think a little different and" Hermione explained "can you describe the monster this morning draco?" 
"He had wed eyes and pale skin wiv no hair" he explained
"Did he have a nose draco" I asked
"No, he said e was lod volymor" draco said
"Ok baby, was there anyone else?" Madame pomphrey asked
"Fathe, he was beating up mama, and he said cusio" he explained
"Oh, ok, does he do this a lot" I asked
"Yes, mama tries to keep him away from me do, it hurts when he near me" Draco said
"Ok draco" madame pomphrey said "I believe harry said you can watch pinocchio with him, maybe you could ask if neville can come, oh and I think harry would like to meet your boyfriend neville" madame pomphrey said leaving the room
Neville blushed
"Neville longbottom who is this guy? How come I haven't heard of him, Is he your dom?" I ask
"Blaise zabinni and I forgot to say and yes" he answered
"Bwause cone see movie?" Draco asked
"If he's not busy, neville go get your dom, I need to speak to the both of you, draco go with hermione, you can look for your cd yeah?" I say
"Ok" draco said standing up and taking hermione outstretched arm leaving
Neville stands up and leads me to where his boyfriend was
"Neville? What happened to your arm?" Blaise asked
"I fell off my broom, how was your evening sir" Neville said bowing his head
"Well be talking about that later, you will not get away with being so wreckless, my evening was good, hello harry" blaise said taking nevilles hand
"Hello zabinni, care for a movie night with me hermione and draco, my little? I assume neville would be accompanying you" I said
"Yes, neville walk ahead me and harry need to talk" he said kissing nevilles forhead
"Ok sir" He said walking off
"Hurt him I'll kill you" I threatened blaise
"I can say the same about draco" he said back
"Good to see were on the same page" I said "Let's go see pinocchio"
We walked to the room of requirement with small chatter
We entered to see draco running around neville sitting on the settee behaving and Hermione telling draco to behave and sit down
"Draco malfoy!" I said loudly
He stopped and looked at me
"Come here draco" I said
He came over to me
"Go stand in the corner and behave or else no pinocchio" I told him
He quickly did so and I walked over to where blaise was sitting with neville and Hermione
"How bad was he?" I asked
"He threw some stuff and was screaming he also cussed a few times" Hermione answered
"Ok" I set up the movie and let the adverts role
I walked over to where draco was and picked him up
"Your in trouble mr, I think a spanking is due, just because I'm not here does not mean you can cause havoc, cuss and throw things" I said
"Sowy harry" he said
"Go apologies to hermione and neville then sit on the floor and watch the movie, I'm going to make food, tell the rest that ok" I said
"Yes hawwy" he said walking away
I made dinner and put it in the oven before watching the end of the movie with them
I served the food before everyone went to bed
I walked Into my room to see draco sat on my bed with his head down
"Draco, I still need to punish you, we'll do it tomorrow morning though ok?"
"Ok" he said
I changed him quickly before changing myself and falling into a peaceful slumber

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