D-da da

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I woke up to silence
Which is strange since usually I'm awoken by dracos cries
I get up and rush out of my room only to see Hermione sat with draco playing some sort of hand game
"D-da da" draco says looking at me with grabby hands
"Hello baby boy, whatcha doing with hermione" I ask
"We pway peek boo" he said giggling
I pick him up and rock him a bit
"Has he ate?" I ask
"No thought you'd want me to wait for you to wake up" she answered
"You hungry lil?" I ask
"Ya" draco answered
"Ok, wanna watch me fly with 'mione? If your good I'll let you do some flying also?" I ask him
"Ya" he squeals clapping his hands
"Ok lil" I say putting him in his high chair before starting to cook some pancakes
I hear draco squeal so I turn around to see Hermione playing the hand game from earlier "peek boo" as draco called it
I'm guessing that's another kid thing I missed out on
"Misty" I called for the house elf I knew to be friends with dobby... before last summer anyway
"Yes sir, oh my, master must not doing elf things! Master must not do cooking! That jobs misty!" She said appearing
"Misty I enjoy cooking so I will cook! No buts! Could you get me some nuttella, fruit and other pancake toppings. And since it bothers you that I'm cooking how about you come over and cook for us Mondays to Fridays before lessons?" I ask her
"Misty is to be delighted sir! She'll be back with masters toppings" she said vanishing
"They really do like being slaves don't they" Hermione said sighing
"Yes, they do, it's in their genes 'mione" I said
"Da!" Draco said
"Yes baby?" I asked
"Who da?"
"Her names misty, she helps me get and do stuff sometimes, she's what's called a houself" I explained
"She had big ears! Dobby had big ears too!! He use look after me!" He said
"Awsome" I said with a frown
"Why sad" he asked
"No reason baby" I said covering up my frown
"Ok" he said "back!!"
"What?" I ask
"Misty be back with masters items, would master like misty to look after mister draco some days?" She asks
"Ill be sure to call you if I do misty" I said
"Misty nice" draco said
"Thank you mister draco, your very nice too, dobby told misty lot 'bout mister draco" she said sadly
"We made sure he had a proper berial" Hermione said "Hes in a better place now"
"Misty knows this but she misses dobby lots" she replied
"We all do" I said "I could speak to the headmaster about you becoming my elf misty if you wished"
"Oh really!! That'd be great" she said
"We could improve your speech as well misty, maybe some other things also" I suggested
"Misty would be forever greatful" she said
I hummed chopping the food for draco and feeding him
"Misty could you turn this fruit into a salad please" I asked
"Of course" she said taking the fruits
"Thanks" I said
Once she finished she told us before vanishing

We ate and left for the quidditch pitch
"How's ron?" I asked with draco on my hip
"He seems... well, he refuses to speak to you and I'm not really trying to socialise with him if he's going to be so stubborn" she replied
"Draco's friends are almost all ignoring us exept blaise" I said
"Hmm" she hummed
"He said he was gonna bring neville over more but since they're a secret it won't be as regularly as we all wish" I said
"Yeah" she hummed
"Daddy" draco whined
"Don't whine baby" I said tapping his bum
"Sorry" he mumbled
"Its ok, what did you want to say?" I ask
"When we fly?" He asked
"After I've finished practicing for the match next week" I answer
"Ok" he mumbled placing his head in the crook of my neck "I sleep while me an 'mimi watsh?"
"Of course you can bub"
I hum and rub his back gently

We arrive at the field and I walk up to the stands, hermione following. She sits down and I place draco on the seat next to her, he immediately shifted and lead his head on her shoulder
"His Paci is in there, the small pocket in the front, umm if he starts to cry and you can't figure it out-" I start to ramble
"Call you, yes I get it, now go play, you'll see him once your finished" she said
"O-ok, um, yeah" I say rubbing my neck and grinning awkwardly before I kiss draco on the forhead and run down onto the pitch
"So we're gonna do some practices, I know I haven't been in practice for a month but you've all been practicing without me right? I believe I asked someone to do some practice while I was gone right?" I rambled
"Yeah, me dumb ass" ron said stepping forward grinning "good to see ya mate, ferret takes up all your time nowadays"
"Ron" I warned
"Sorry" he said backing off
"Right so what did I miss?" I asked
"Not much" some newbie said
"Split in halves, equal amounts of people on each, I'll play the other chaser, the keeper, Ron, will be blocking both teams and ordinary rules apply" I say

(A/N I'm pretty sure the game goes like this, 1 seeker, 1 keeper, 2 beaters, 3 chasers)

We all start to play and 3 hours in I hear a crying noise coming from the stands
"Ill be right back" I say before landing and running up to where hermione is hugging draco on her lap
"Where daddy?" He sobs
"Hes coming I promise" she says patting his back "look here he is"
He lifts his head in looks at me
"D-da!" He says making grabby hands
"Hello baby" I say scooping him into my arms "did you have a nice nap"
"Yeah, but den I wake up an you no dere and I no in co" he mumbles
"Do you need anything? I'm gonna finnish up now, do you need anything right now? Or are you ok to wait, I believe I promised you a go on the broom?" I ask him
"Ya! Fwy" he says looking happy
"Ok then, are you wet?" I ask whispering so hermione won't hear
"N-no don think so" he says equally as quiet
"Do you want a change anyway" I ask whispering still
"P-please" he mumbles
"Ok, I'll see you in a mo, let me get rid of this lot then we can fly" I say placing him back on hermione lap "be good for 'mione"
"Ok" he mumbles leaning into her

"Right guys, that's it for today, when do we next meet?" I ask them all
"Tomorrow" everyone chanted
"Ok, well practice your individual skills tomorrow, keepers and chasers work together, beaters work together, I'll do seeker stuff and fly around seeing how your all doing, so long" I say
They all leave and I run up to draco again who jumps into my arms when I reach him
"Hey baby" I say chuckling "let's get you changed, hermione do you fancy flying, I'm sure I could teach you"
"No" she says sternly
"Why not!" I ask
"I am not getting onto one of those... death traps!" She says
"Cmon, it'll be fun" I say
"Fine but If I fall your dead" she said
"Yes mione" I say Smirking
I pick up the bag and draco before carrying them to the boys changing room
Some of the guys where still chatting and changing
"Hey guys, can I steal a broom? For mione" I ask
"Sure harry" one of the chasers say handing me his Broom
"Thanks, I'll give it back tomorrow" I say
Placing it against the wall outside a changing room with mine
I enter the changing room and place draco down locking the door
I wait till everyone's talking normally and start to change draco out of his clothes
I change his sleep top into one safe for flying as well and taking his diaper off and putting a pull up on instead
I put him in some leggings and put everything back in the bag
I put the bag on my bag before I took dracos hand and walking out of the room to see everyone looking at us
Draco immediately hid behind me
"What?" I ask
"Your... your actually happy with him" Ron said
"Yeah, and?" I asked
"He... he's malfoy" one of the guys said
"And?" I said "Hes not his father and he's really not as bad as he used to be"
"Dont let him hurt you" the guy who gave me the broom said
"I no huwt daddy" draco said peering out from behind me
"Kinky fuckers" ron said Smirking
"Shut up ron" I said laughing
"Wa funny" draco asked
"Nothing baby boy, shall we go fly now?" I ask
"Yeah!! Ron fwy to" he asked "Ohh an bwoom guy!"
"I don't know why don't you ask them?" I ask
He walked up to ron
"Fwy with us?" He asked
"Sure little guy" ron said
"Yay" draco squealed running to the other guy "you fwy wiv us"
"No sorry, I've got a date with a guy that i can't cancel" he said
"Ooh, good wuck" draco said
"Thanks" he said
"What name?" Draco asked
"Charlie" he answered
"Carlie" draco repeated
"Charlie" Charlie said again
"Karlie?" Draco tried again
"Cha-- sure buddy sure" Charlie said giving up
I laughed
"Cmon baby, Ron will join us in a minute" i say taking his hand in the hand I wasn't holding the brooms in

We walked onto the pitch and started to fly with hermione who wouldn't go higher than 2 feet off of the floor
Draco and I weren't much higher though, even though draco kept saying higher and higher I didn't want to risk him letting go of my waist and falling
After a bit ron came onto the pitch flying around before we all went in and to my room where we watched beauty and the beast before heading off to bed,
Ron and Hermione staying this time

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