Meeting Them

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Ashley and Sarah were running.... why you may ask? Little Charlie is missing. He wandered off somewhere while the two girls were taking a nap.... stupid little Charlie.


Ashley:* taps her*

Sarah: What sis?

Ashley:* points*

Charlie:* surrounded * HELP ME!!


Suddenly four figures apper out of no where and beat up some of the punks, while the rest ran away in fear. Charlie ran and jumped in Ashley's arms. Sarah walked up to the figures.

Sarah: Thanks for helping my twin brother.....

???: Leonardo... but call me Leo.

????: Raphael, but call me Raph.

??????: Donetello. Call me Don or Donnie.

?????: Michelangelo, but call me Mikey or M.C. or just however you feel.

Sarah: Sarah. Nice to meet you four.

Charlie: I'm Charlie! Thanks for the help!

Ashley: H-hello.....

Leo: Is she okay?

Sarah: Our big sister is shy... her name is Ashley. Mind stepping into the light?

Donnie: Ummm...

Leo: Promise not to freak out or scream.

Sarah/Charlie: Okay

Ashley:* nods*

They step into the light

Sarah: ....... Cool!

Mikey: You're not afraid?

Charlie: You just saved my life! Plus I think you look cool.... well bye!* runs off*

Ashley: C-Charlie!! W-w-wait!

Sarah: See you around!!!

All four: Bye?

Raph: Interesting?

Mikey: Cool?

Donnie: Awsome?

Leo: Confusing.

All four: Agreed.


To be continued..

How was the first chapter? I know it was short. But I keep like this.

Pony out!

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