The Battle (Final Chapter)

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  Coiny began to walk into the clearing. He tried not to shiver in fear, as he stepped into the open space. Everyone else still seemed dizzy. Fuzz was limping, lagging behind all of them. "How can we even defeat Needle?" Pin asked, sounding a little less dizzy than before. "She clearly has an entire army on her side." 

  "I don't know yet." Coiny answered, still shaking. Pin grabbed his hand to comfort him. "I'm nervous too, honestly." She whispered. All of the objects went closer to where Needle was standing. Snowball was beside her. 

   Needle turned her head around. Her eyes widened with surprise, seeing the objects approaching her. Fuzz greeted her with a threatening hiss. The others had their eyes narrowed with anger, as they stared at Needle.

  Snowball stepped closer to Needle protectively. "What are you doing here?" Needle asked them, pushing Snowball away. "This is my clearing!" She snarled.

    "We want them back!" Pin pointed at where most of Needle's followers were gathered. "You are mistreating them!"

   Needle turned to glare at Leafy and Eraser. "What did you tell them?" She screamed in their faces. "How did you escape?"

  "We used the orb." Eraser explained, trying to sound confident. "You should have hid it better if you didn't want us to escape." He sneered.  Leafy nodded her head, stepping beside Eraser confidently. 

  Needle looked slightly shocked, but not intimidated. "You are way too outnumbered to defeat me!" She laughed, motioning her hand to all of her followers. They immediately ran toward her, crowding around Needle as a protective barrier.  

     "If you want to get to Needle, you will have to get past us first!" Lollipop announced with a menacing growl. Firey and Pencil flanked Lollipop, giving her support. "Are going to fight us?" Pencil asked them, in a mocking manner. "Or, are we too strong for you?" 

  Firey didn't say anything. He only stared at Leafy, regret in his gaze. "I'm sorry." He whispered, before launching himself at Leafy, knocking her to the ground. "Get off of her!" Pin screamed at him, slapping Firey hard in the face. 

  Needle sighed, motioning for her followers to attack. "Get them!" She yelled, jumping down from the rock that she was standing on, and joining the fight. Pin hauled Firey off of Leafy, just in time to see Lollipop and Match attacking Coiny.

   Pin threw Firey to the ground, leaving him unconscious in the process. She swiftly ran to Coiny, avoiding Pencil, who tried to jump on her. Eraser snapped Pencil in half, throwing one half of her at Needle. Needle was sent flying across the clearing. But, she landed on her feet, hardly injured at all.

   Coiny kicked Lollipop into Match, sending them both crashing into a rock in the middle of the clearing. Pin skidded to a halt beside him, getting ready for another attack. 

   Fuzz scratched Firey, trying to keep him from getting up. His paws caught on fire, as he touched Firey. "Fuzz!" Coiny screamed with concern. Fuzz flailed his paw around, lighting a tree on fire. It crashed to the ground, knocking down other trees in the process.

   Soon enough, half of the clearing was ablaze. The objects continued to fight, though some were frozen in place. Ice Cube melted quickly, as she was trapped in the flaming tunnel prison with Teardrop. Teardrop evaporated soon after, hardly getting a chance to mourn her friend's tragic death.

    Coiny started kicking Snowball. "I'm so sorry, Snowball!" He yelled over the crackling flames, as he tossed his friend into the fire, letting him melt. Fuzz jumped past Coiny, motioning toward a circle of fire. Coiny gasped in fear, when he saw Pin and Leafy trapped in the small space with Needle.

   "You are finished!" Needle snarled at them in triumph, lounging for Leafy, knocking her into the fire. Leafy screamed in pain for a brief moment, before being engulfed by the flames. "That is what happens to traitors!" She grinned, just before stepping toward Pin slowly. 

  Pin was frozen in place. She could only stare at the place where her best friend has once been. Needle started picking up speed, seeing that Pin refused to attack her. She jumped on top of Pin, trying to push her into the fire. But, Needle felt something slam into her with painful force. 

  She turned to see what had hit her. She looked up to see Coiny and Fuzz pinning her down, triumph glittering in their eyes.  Fuzz ran his claws down Needle's face, leaving her to screech in agony. She didn't even feel it, when Coiny dragged her, throwing her into the blazing fire. Needle didn't even have time to scream. 

  Pin hugged Coiny very tightly. "You saved my life!" She exclaimed. Coiny looked down in shame. "I wish that I could have saved Leafy too." He mumbled. 

   "It wasn't your fault." Pin assured him. "The fire will end soon." She told Coiny, looking up at the sky, seeing dark grey clouds drifting over them. 

   Rain poured down on the clearing, putting the fire out, and killing Firey, who was still laying on the ground.  The surviving objects rose to their feet weakly. They were bruised and battle-scarred. 

  "I..I regret following Needle!" Match admitted. "I was forced to hurt my friends."

  "There was too much death." Eraser agreed. "This all could have been avoided very easily." He told them. 

  "So, should we all go home?" Lollipop asked, turning to Coiny and Pin. "Of course!" Pin exclaimed. "Let's go!"

  Coiny was happier, now that everyone was more cheerful. Even after all of the death, they had brought some of their friends back. He walked alongside Pin. "Soon, this will all just be a bad memory." He thought with satisfaction.

  (That's the end everyone! I hope you all enjoyed it. Don't worry, I will be starting a new BFDI story soon! Stayed tuned for that!)

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