Quote 1. "As much as Hatred becomes Love, Love becomes Hatred"

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This chapter is full of flashbacks so.. goumen (bows). Hope ya like it!


Slowly.. Slowly, it will heal. Pssh... Like hell it would. I don't know what other people think but I think that a broken heart won't heal. It will just stay as it is. B-R-O-K-E-N.

Eww! Just talking about it makes me sick. Don't ever mention that crap they call, Love and all. It makes me want to vomit on a random person.

Anyways. Sorry about the rude introduction. I am, of course, Lia Sashima. I am 17 years old (so not to young or not to old). I don't know if you have one, but I have a childhood friend. And that idiot's name is Finn.

So.. let's get on with it.


I chewed on my piece of gum loudly and sauntered around town like an idiot. Sorry that I was an idiot. Couldn't help it.

I looked around to see if Finn and Annie were around. Since Finn told me they were on a date, so I'll just have to go see for myself. I put my shades on and wore a baseball cap on my head.

I looked like a total dude because I had short hair and a cap on. It's a perfect disguise.

When I searched through every store, I found Finnbaka and Annie in a coffee shop that I used to go with Finn when I was about 11. It brought back memories since this is where I first fell in love with him.

--Flash Back--

Finn wasn't a nice person nor was he very talkative. When I first met him, he was like a total cold person. He was about 6 since his birthday was coming up. I was only about nearly 1.

He had that dead and cold look in his eyes. He never smiled, laughed, or even talk. He never even cried. The only time he would talk is when he had a question or had to answer something.

But, all that changed. When Finn finally turned about 16, he got angry at me for the first time and slapped me on the cheek. I don't remember what I said but I know it had to do something with his parents' being divorced. Now you might think I cried, but I didn't.

Instead I sat there and looked at him with an idiot smile on my face. "F-Finn.." I said slowly as I tried to sort out my thoughts. "You got angry!!" I was just so happy that he had other emotions rather than being cold and depressed.

He stared at me confused because not many people would smile when they get slapped twice their strength on the cheek. Finn didn't say a word but helped me up.

"Lia, let's go." he said quietly. Those were the first words he ever spoken to me and you don't know how happy I was. I couldn't even put these feelings into words.

He and I walked all the way to the coffee shop without a word spoken. I don't know if it was a good thing or bad thing but all I knew was that Finn had finally accepted me. Even if it was a small acceptance, I didn't care. 

When we arrived, Finn ordered us herbal tea and as we sat down, an amazing thing occurred. He whispered to me, "I admit. You're such an idiot, but you're not half as bad. Being an idiot and all."

I blushed and replied arrogantly, "Sh-Shut up. B-Baka."

And the most beautiful thing happened. He laughed and right after that he smiled. That smile changed everything I thought about him.I turned bright red and said in my head, I love.. Finn.

And that was how I fell in love with him.

--End of Flashback--

I snapped out of it and turned my attention toward Finn and Annie. They got up and left a tip for the waiter. I slowly crawled out of sight from them and they walked right across the street toward the park. 

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