Quote 2. "Don't wait for the Perfect Moment, Make the Perfect Moment."

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Konnichiwa (bows). This part will probably make no sense so.. goumen. Hope you enjoy it. (bows)


I stayed in bed for the rest of the week, but I did eat though cause I ain't like those girls from shoujo mangas that go without eating just because of their heart being broken. My mom did come up to my room and tried to cheer me up but I just pushed her aside and told her I didn't need her comfort.

Finn did come and tried to talk to me, but that dumb ass doesn't know how I'm feeling. He was the one who caused it in the damn first place. How could I talk to him while looking at him in the eyes without trying to cry?

I mean.. man that news slapped me hard in the face. I was happy for Finn but I just wanted Finn for myself. I knew how much Annie loved Finn but sometimes I'm disgusted of myself to have thought that if  Annie hadn't existed, I would've been the one getting married with Finn.

I loved but despised Annie at the same time. That's so freaking selfish of me. I didn't know what's what anymore.. I just stopped moving forward and stayed in the same spot while I looked back at the past of when it was just me and Finn together.


"Sashima-san?" Sensei called out on me. I woke up from sleeping and stood up. "H-Hai?!" I shouted. Everyone in the classroom burst into laughter and Sensei silenced them.

Sensei cleared her throat and asked, "Sashima-san, do you by any chance have time after class? I would like a word with you."

I nodded and replied, "No. I don't have any plans, not at the moment that is." Sensei nodded and handed me a pass. 

"Keep this or you can throw it away if you have no "time" to come and chat," Sensei grinned and continued to teach the class. I sat down and thought, Why did she stop in the middle of the class just to ask for me to stay after class? I mean like she is always so serious about history and all, so she would have never stopped a class. The only time she would is when there's something more important than history. What could that be?

--After Class---

Everyone rose up to their feet and bowed. Then once everyone left, I stayed seated in my seat because I was too lazy to get up. Sensei organized some papers real quick before she said anything to me. When she finished, she stared at me like something was going to happen to me. 

"What?" I murmured at her. She blinked twice then smiled as if nothing had happened. I got up and was about to leave since this was some crazy shizz she came up with or something even more crappy. 

"Sashima-san.. do you know Arision Finn, by any chance?" she asked me just as I reached for the door knob. I stopped in my pace and turned toward Sensei. She had a serious look on her face which I couldn't figure out why she did. 

"Yeah.. and why do you know Finn?" I shot back at her. She laughed it off but a fake laugh. 

"You call Arision-kun by his first name? Just how close are you with Arision-kun?" 

"Arision-kun?? Hah! So you're not close with him but you know him? Why is that, oba-chan?"

In my imagination she looked like a wolf as she snared her teeth at me and I smirked at her as if I was a bird she couldn't reach.  Sensei coughed it off and continued the so called, "talk ".

"Answer my question, Sashima-san. How close are you with Arision-kun to call him by his first name?" she asked again. I shrugged.

"Finn's nothing special and all. He was one of my mom's childhood friend that was abandoned by his mother and father. That's the only reason we're close.. since I grew up with him." I replied.

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