"I'm sick of being your secret" Pheacker

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A/N Not sure how this will turn out. I guess there's also a little homophobia, but not much.

Philip Hamilton and George Eacker were known to be enemies.

The thing was, they weren't. Well, not anymore.

The two had hated each other since the first day they met. George had called Philip a faggot and had said many other bad things about Philip's father. Philip had punched him in response.

Their conflicts went on for months, even years, until they were finally forced into detention. Together. To actually talk.

This led to them discovering how similar they actually were. And how much they secretly liked each other.

They liked each other.

And since then, the two were dating.

It wasn't a public thing. It definitely wasn't.

George wouldn't allow it. The man himself had always called Philip a faggot, because he knew that Philip was gay. George's father had always taught him not to go near people that were homosexual or bisexual or anything other than straight.

And it frustrated him. Because he had been forced to hide his feelings in fear of being kicked out or abused.

This is why George wouldn't allow anyone to know they were dating.

Yes, he would spend time with Philip. A lot of time with Philip. But only in Philip's room or the basement of the Hamilton's house.

Philip's parents didn't even know.

And after 5 months of dating, Philip had had enough.

The two were sitting on Philip's bed, arms around each other; snuggling. Philip was nibbling on his lip, something he did when he thought.

It drove George crazy.

"George?" Philip said suddenly.


"Do you love me?" He asked.

"Do I... love you?" George repeated. "Of course I love you. You're the best person I know." He leaned in for a kiss, but Philip turned his head away. "Babe?"

Philip looked back at him. "T-then if you love me, you need to talk to your father."

"What? No! You know what he'll do...." George frowned.

"You need to tell him. Or I'm leaving you."

George did not like the look in Philip's eyes. He knew he was telling the truth. "B-but..."

"No. I'm not living this way anymore. I'm sick of being your secret!" He let go of George, sitting up so he was facing away from him. He was shaking. "I-I can't even tell my own parents because you're too afraid!" He trembled.

"Pip... please calm down. We can talk this thr-"


"W-what?" George stuttered.

"No. We aren't talking this through. I've made my decision." He looked at him, tears in his eyes. "If you won't tell him, then I want you to leave my house."

George looked away, his hands in fists. "Fine," he mumbled, standing. "If that's the way it has to be." He walked towards the door. "But just know, I really do love you."

"If you loved me, you wouldn't keep me as a secret," he whispered harshly.

George let one tear go down his cheek before quickly wiping it away. "I-I'll text you."

"Get out."


After George left, Philip broke down crying. His mother heard from the other room and came to comfort him.

He ended up telling him everything.

And in the end, George decided that his love for Philip was stronger than his fear.

He told his father everything.

Yes, he was afraid. And yes, harsh words were spoken, but in the end, he ended up with the man he loved, the man that used to be his enemy.

A/N Wow this sucked. Sorry.

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