Last Summer

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Last summer was full of memories
Not a care in the world, only eachother
I gaze up at the night sky
The same one we would look at together
And my brain becomes flooded with images

Last summer we had a bonfire
We were all huddled around each other
Telling stories and singing our favorite songs
As I looked into the smoldering fire
I saw myself in the flames

Last summer we walked through the park
At night when the stars were out
Dreaming about the future
Hoping this would last forever
No one could have guessed that it would end so badly

Last summer we fell in love
With people, things, and places
Our euphoria was like a drug
Coursing through our veins
This high was like none other

Last summer was the greatest season of all
But then winter came around
And froze all in sight
My life has been frozen since
Will this winter ever end?

Do I regret last summer?
I can't decide
Although I wish
Things didn't turn out this way

Last summer was full of memories
Yet I can't get rid of the ones that winter left behind

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