Chapter IV: Ventriloquist

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I called my mom to see if she was on her way to pick me up from practice. Luckily, she was already in the parking lot. I threw my bags in the back of her car and hopped in the front.

"Why you out so early?" My mom asked.

"It's only the first week of practice." I said laughing.

By the time I got home I ate and knocked out immediately. I woke up around 8:30 pm to do homework, eat, shower, and reply to my messages. I did this faithfully every track season.

Zion left me twelve messages on Snapchat and a missed call.

I scrolled through the chat reading every message and their timestamp:

'You never wait for me after practice🙄' - 4:45pm
'Sigh' - 6:00 pm
':/' - 6:05 pm
'Toniooooo' - 7:00 pm
'Baby' - 7:01 pm
'Fuck you' 7:30 pm
'You always ignore me🙄'
'You a bitch' - 7:33 pm
'I hate you' - 7:35 pm
'❤️'  - 7:38 pm
'Jk' - 7:40 pm
'Don't be mad' - 7:59 pm

This is pathetic not cute at all. All the more reasons I should've been broken up with her.

'My bad I was sleeping' -I sent.

'Yeah right' She replied quickly.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves when someone calls me a liar.

'How TF you gone tell me if I was sleeping or not...' I sent.

'Chill nigga I'm joking' She said.

Pet peeve number two, telling me to calm down.

'You not joking you send shit like this all the time then say you're joking just stfu.' I sent

'I'm sorry I won't do it again' She apologized.

She's apologizing now but will be right back doing the same shit the next day. Being with Zion has brought nothing but negativity with it.
Any bit of time I get to myself I have to spend it with her.

I ignored her message.

I got a call on Facebook messenger from Zion a few minutes later.

At this point of the relationship and it was a matter of time before I broke up with her. Call me childish, but I won't be the one getting broken up with. I guess that's apart of my competitive nature.

I answered the call reluctantly.

"What." I answered rudely.

"Fine be like that." She replied.

"I will." I responded truthfully.

She put her self on mute.

"If you aunt got nothing to say to me I'll hang up right now." I said.

"You're so Aggy." She says.

"K, you called me so clearly it wasn't a problem before now." I say.

"Why are you so mean?" She asked, "I don't appreciate it I do a lot for you."

You get on my last damn nerves is what you do bitch.

"I'm not." I say simply.

"All I ask for is your attention." She says sniffling.

Those fake sniffles ain't it sis. Aries and Cancers ain't the move in a relationship.

"Which you get." I added.

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