what the BEANZ think of you

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they don't like you. brandon is a fan favorite causing clashing between his his supporters views on how he should be treated in a relationship vs how you treat him in your relationship. the BEANZ would rather you treat him like the "king" he is but instead you treat him like a regular human, and he loves that about you. being approached as an celebrity all the time can be tiring, all the fake smiles is draining. having someone like you to come home to bring him back to reality and he couldn't  be more in love with that.

they love you. edwin never thinks before he says things and if he does, he doesn't think too long about what's about to come out of his mouth. not only does he obtain this aspect, he also struggles with his identity making his head a constant spinning arena. being in his life not only do you bring balance, you also make him feel more at peace with himself. let's also not forget how you keep him in check. the BEANZ love how you always seem to put a smile on his face while spreading positive light into his life.

they don't mind you. Austin decided after his recent relationship before you he didn't want to put his dating life on the internet which upset some of the BEANZ but most of them respected the decision. you seem to pop up in zion and edwin's lives a lot or in the background of snapchat stories but never are you over broadcasted making you and austin relationship a closed door that no one can get into. the BEANZ don't love nor hate the two of you being together because they don't see enough of you guys.

they adore you. nick stans like you more the then like nick-  and that says a lot. he can be really unorganized when it comes to planning things and following through so the BEANZ love it when you remind him to go live for them or to follow them on twitter when he promised he would. not only that, your personality is bright and contagious. the way you think is so positive and that radiates through your actions. you help nick become a better version of himself unknowingly & the BEANZ see it and believe it's for the good.

the consider you as part of the band. if anyone knows the two of you they would know your just a female clone of the male. you two are literally the same person when it comes to music, emotions, actions, and many other things. your personality is so bold & out there, everyone can't help but love you. ( and if the don't love you the their jealous ) you and zion are best friends and it shows through your time together. most of the time when you guys are live or on Snapchat or anything else it's normally not affectionate, it's more laugher & jokes rather then kisses and hugs. the BEANZ love having two zions, makes for an entertaining & loving relationship to keep up with.


wtf is up with zion & his deleted post?????

also, im putting up a daniel cv (ik that's not his last name) book 2nite ! & im so excited for it. it's like a series with the wdw boys and im sooo ready.

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