Game On

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The laughter dies down, and Sans takes Frisk back upstairs. Which leaves you and Papyrus alone.....again. Not that you're complaining...but you wouldn't let them know that. You blush a little. "So..." You say, putting your hands behind your back and rocking back and forth on your heels. "I'm...glad everyone liked the brownies." You say, feeling stupid that that was the only thing you could come up with. He chuckles and smiles slightly, a red hue dusting his cheekbones. "YES...WE HAVE NEVER EATEN THOSE BEFORE. I MUST SAY..THEY WERE QUITE......LOVELY." He says. You chuckle. It's silent once more, and you could cut the tension with a knife at this point. It felt soooooo awkward. "Well then uh I guess I'll ...go back upstairs...check on Frisk ya know? So...yeah." You say as you back up and head towards the stairs. You could feel your cheekbones burning as that awkward moment made you feel a little embarrassed. However, you felt a gloved hand grab a hold of your wrist. You stop, and turn towards the owner of the hand. Papyrus is there, but he isn't looking at you. Again...that awkward feeling is back. "Y..Yes Papyrus?" You say. Your staring at him expectantly, as he tries to avoid your eyes for some reason. This is unlike him, and your starting to worry if you had done something wrong. "Is..Is something wrong?" You say, and suddenly his red eyes stare at you. You freeze, your anxiety getting the better of you as the tension rises. "What? Is it something I did? You're not saying anything so it's worrying me a little." "YOU'RE RAMBLING Y/N." He said finally, making your cheeks turn pink a little. "Well what else am I supposed to do? You weren't saying anything! You weren't even looking at me! Now tell me what is the matter because I am getting really nervous here and -WOAH!" Your cut off as Papyrus yanks you forward and you bump into his chest. The armor feels smooth, and strangely you feel a heartbeat's soothing. Papyrus raises your chin up, and your eyes are widening as you take in the red blush and sharp tooth smile. "I MUST SAY, IT IS ...QUITE A SIGHT SEEING YOU FLUSTERED. NYEHEHE." He says, making you blush more no matter how hard you try. He chuckles. "S-Shut up!" You say. "OH NO..THIS IS TOO GOOD OF A MOMENT TO PASS UP." Ugh that smug grin on his face. You give a huff and pout, "THIS LOOK DOES NOT SUIT YOU WELL...I PREFER YOUR SMILE. I MUST SAY THOUGH, RED DOES LOOK GOOD ON YOU." You look away from him, "W-Whatever....can you let me go now please?" He looks like he considers this for a moment, and smirks. "SURE Y/N. WHATEVER YOU SAY." He releases your hand, and you can feel your blush going down. "Wow..." You chuckle a little. "Y/N for the win!" You make to turn away from him, going to go back towards the stairs. However, his hand gently catches you chin once more. "Papyrus? I thought you said I could MMPH?!" You say as Papyrus catches your lips in a kiss. His other hand makes his way to the middle of your back, pulling you closer to him. You could feel his heartbeat..which you still found strange but that wasn't important right now. You hold back a sigh as he deepens the kiss. Looking up.. Your staring at him, and you are blushing like mad. Papyrus's eyes are closed, but he too is blushing. You decided to close your eyes, and a little part of you kissed back. He pulls away after a few moments, leaving you a little breathless. "Wha..? I" You couldn't form any words to say. He chuckles, and has a glint in his eyes. "ON THE CONTRARY Y/N..." He said, making you even more confused. He pulls you close once more, eyes staring into yours..making you squeak in embarrassment at the contact. "IT IS I WHO WON THIS TIME." He leaves you and makes his way back to the kitchen, chuckling all the way. Leaving you a blushing, winded mess. "Oh that's how we're gonna play it eh? Fine." You say to him, even though he doesn't hear you.

"Game on."

You can feel a twinge in your SOUL.....And your surprised as you are remembering that feeling that you thought you had lost so long ago. 

You are feeling DETERMINED

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