You feel better

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You wait patiently and sure enough you hear the rush of little feet run into the room. Frisk jumps you, tackling you. They are signing a mile a minute. "Woah woah kiddo slow down! I can't understand you that fast." They stop and smile, and sign slower. "I'm glad you're ok. You really had us worried there." You smile and ruffle the hair on their head, they protest and you chuckle. "Awe don't worry kiddo, I've been through too much to let something like that bother me. Besides, Papyrus healed me up ok, so I'm fine." They give you a quizzical look, but push it aside as they hug you. "You really had us scared there for a moment doll." You look up to see Sans in the doorway, along with Papyrus. "D'aw are you getting soft on me? I'm flattered." He turned red, and literally pouted. "N-No! I'm just worried to make Papyrus happy." Speaking of the tall skeleton, he hits Sans on top of the head. "BE NICE BROTHER. OR ELSE." Sans chuckles nervously. "Alright B-I mean..Papyrus." Huh, that's odd. Sans didn't call him Boss this time. You smile, you finally got through to him. Frisk is smiling at you, also thinking the same thing you were. Suddenly you felt a twinge in your SOUL, and you winced. Frisk looked at you in concern, and you waved it off. "I'm fine, don't worry about it." They don't believe you, but you reassure them with a smile. You get up, and try walking. You wobble some, but you manage. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU NEED TO REST!" You deadpan at him, "Papyrus. You've said so yourself that I should be perfectly fine! So not to worry, I'm not going anywhere. But that doesn't mean I am going to be in bed all the time,so I am going downstairs and Frisk and I will be making something." "BUT..BUT!" "No buts Papyrus. My mind is made up." "OK FINE. BUT YOU JUST ATE SOME SPAGHETTI! WHAT WILL YOU BE MAKING?" You smirk "I'm gonna go bake something. That's one of my favorite hobbies." He and Sans looked shocked, not expecting your answer. Frisk is jumping up and down, excited as to what you'll make. You pick Frisk up, and look up at the two skeletons, and you smile. "Now, if you don't excuse us, we have some desserts to bake!" You walk past them, and hear Frisk giving them both a raspberry. You giggle, and Frisk also laughs a silent laugh. You reach the kitchen and remember something you used to bake..when you were through with tests. Snapping out of those thoughts, you smile down at Frisk. "Are you ready? We're gonna make brownies!" Frisk's eyes widened with joy as they jump up and down again. You grab a chair for them to stand on, and you look for the flour, cocoa and well as other ingredients that you remember. You show Frisk what to do, and assist them in making them. They felt like the little sibling you had never had. You did the harder parts of course, and you giggled when they tried to stir it but instead got some in their hair. "You goof. You're not supposed to do that!" Their chest rumbled with silent laughter.You put the batter in the oven and set a timer. You remembered something "Wait...wasn't the house destroyed?!" You thought. Turning around, nothing is messed up. Everything is cleaned, fixed...everything. Nothing looks like it had broken, or anything. You feel a tug on your sleeve and look down. Frisk looks up at your confused face. "Oh sorry Frisk. I'm just a little confused as to why the house isn't destroyed.." They smile and your still confused. "Oh that's easy!" They sign "Papyrus and Sans fixed up the damage. Though, they wouldn't let me help and told me to stay upstairs. Said somethin' about magic and such." Oh, ok. You smile at them "Well thanks kiddo." They nod at you and you pull a chair next to them and sit down. "Now we wait." It was a few long silent minutes, until Frisk taps your arm. "Do you like Papyrus?" They sign. You blush and then sigh. "Your smart for your age kiddo, and yes..I guess I do." They do a fist pump and cheer. You chuckle and smile at them. "Don't you go running of to tell them either kid." They pout and you chuckle. You have a feeling the brownies are done, or close to being done and go to check. You smile as the smell hits your nose, and you check the brownies to see if their done. They were, and you tell Frisk to stay away from the oven as you get them out. You hum as you go along, and put a timer for them to cool. Frisk signs to you "Could you sing for me?" The question takes you by surprise, but you sigh. "One day I will Frisk, I promise. But under the circumstances, not right now alright?" They nod and look at the brownies in delight. You cut one and give it to them. They blew on it and took a bite, their eyes widened as they grinned. "Wow. Are they that good? Don't cry on me now." They just devour their brownie and run into the next room. Papyrus and Sans also come into the kitchen. You laugh at Frisk when they come into view, and hold out to prepared plates with a brownie on each one towards the brothers. They stare at it like its poision. "Come on guys! They're good! It's not gonna kill you." You chuckle as they both turned red. They took a bite at the same time, and Sans looks like he's about to cry like it's the best food ever, and Papyrus ..well you can't place his expression. " you like them Papyrus?" He stares at you, and sets the plate down and walks towards you. Backing up, you chuckle nervously.."Uh...Papyrus?" He's right in front of you now, and he does something you, and everyone else in the room didn't expect.

He picks you up and twirls you around, all the while smiling and laughing.

"NYEHEHE! THIS DISH IS AMAZING. WHAT DO YOU CALL THESE?!" He says. "Uh...brownies." "WELL YOU NEED TO TEACH ME HOW TO MAKE THESE....BROW..NIES IMMEDIATELY!" You chuckle when he pronounces it, and smiles at him. "Of course, but maybe later. We already have some made! Have as many as you like." They all did, you managed to grab a couple for yourself, while the others devoured them. You smile at their reactions and how you all were having a great fun time, despite the problems you faced a few days ago. You feel like you need to be more on your guard now, but right now, you're going to focus on having fun with your friends. A sharp, sudden pain hit you again, but you brushed it off thinking it was nothing. You just focus on everyone having a good time, and you couldn't help but laugh along with them. 

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