Red Love { Marshall Lee x Reader }

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So yea, my first _______ x reader book... YAYZ! GO EAT OATMEAL!

Y/N pov-

I was sitting on the edge of a a cliff, watching the sunset. I got out my bass. It was an axe bass, and I love it. I started strumming a tune. It was 'Secrets' by OneRepublic, a band from before the war. All of a sudden, I hear a twig snap behind me. I get so startled, that I fall off the cliff.

(your bass looks like Marceline's Bass)

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!", I scream while plummeting to my death.

About three seconds later, i landed on something that is definitely not the ground.

"Ow! My bods meat!", I hear.

I finally realize that I'm not dead, I notice what I landed on. A GUY?!?!?!? And man he is h----- wait a minute (Y/N) you just LANDED on him!!!! I quickly got up off him, and promptly fell over again. The whiplash was messing with my head. I crawled over to the guy. Yea, I CRAWLED.

"H-hey, are you ok?", I stutter, still terrified from the fall.

"I'm fine, but are you ok? Where did you come from?", he asked.

"I-i dunno. And I came from up there." I say while pointing to the cliff.

"Wow, you're lucky. By the way, I'm Marshall, Marshall Lee. What's your name?" Marshall asks.

"I'm (y/n), thanks for asking."

I try to get up, but fall over again. I blush, just realizing that I am completely helpless. Marshall eyes me.

"You gonna help me or not?" I ask Marshall while poking his nose.


I'm on his back suddenly, flying ten feet above the ground.


Hair:Waist or below

Hair color:Whatever you want

Eye color:Whatever you want

Shirt:White tank top with picture of potato on front with caption that says (T·T)SWEET POTATO(T·T)

Pants:Black skirt with red leggings

Shoes:Black with pics of black-red roses on it.

Headgear:White headband with fake black rose on side

Glasses(optional):Black with red polka-dots



"I'm helping you.", he casually replies.

*TIME skip to y/'s house*

Marshall is in my kitchen now, poking around my fridge. I have no idea what he is gonna eat. I hear clanging on my mental plated roof. Great, its knife storming outside. Luckily, I grabbed my bass before it got all muddy earlier. I grab my iPod and plug into my speakers, and listening to empire by Shakira. Pre-war music of course. Soon I'm playing my bass and singing along with it. At the end of the song I hear clapping.

"Wow, y/n, you are a great singer!"

"Really? Thanks Marshy!" I exclaim.

"Marshy? Well ok then Flower!" He pokes my rose headband.

I blush like crazy. Then notice that I'm hungry. So yea I start walking, and I trip. Who knows what happens next? All hands in universe raise. Kk, back to trip part. So I trip, and end up kissing Marshall Lee. I blush so bad that I look like a tomato! I quickly pull away and run into my bathroom. I start quietly crying. And don't forget that I locked the door. So yea, I was sobbing my eyes out. A few seconds later, I realize I have my bass on my back. So I start playing music. Random notes turn in to 'Secrets' by OneRepublic, 'Empire' by Shakira, and 'Pompeii' by Bastille. (A/N:some of my fav songs!) Once done singing and playing, I go back to crying. Eventually I pass out from exhaustion.

Red Love { Marshall Lee x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now