Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Harry's POV:

The first thing I saw when we got off the stage, was Charlotte crying. Niall had a concerned look on his face. She said something, but I couldn't hear her over the screaming fans. Charlotte started to ran away from Niall. I looked at Niall and yelled, "Niall why are you letting go on her own, it's dangerous!?!" Niall looked at the direction she was walking in. "Harry, she will be fine. Let her be and give her some space."

Click. Flash. Screams. We were on our way to the vans when I saw Charlotte scrunched up in a ball in the pouring rain. I was about to go to her, but Niall ran as fast as he could to her. He put his hoodie over her to cover her face and bridal carried her to us.

Charlotte POV:

I kept walking and reached outside. To my dismay it started to pour, so I went under a canopy outside the concert venue. The fans were swarming and I saw the paps.

A figure came running towards me and the fans were screaming. He took off his sweatshirt and put it over my head, so no one could see my face. I realized it was Niall as soon as he scooped me up in his arms.

"NIALL, NIALL! WHO IS THAT GIRL? ARE YOU DATING? WHAT'S HER NAME?" I heard the fans and paps ask as he carried me to the first black van.

"Just take her to safety! I don't want people stalking her!" Niall said as he got into the other van in back of the one I was in. The girls were screaming, cameras clicking, and I was falling asleep in someone's lap, but I didn't know who.

Harry's POV:

She had fallen asleep on my lap in Niall's black hoodie. I still can't believe that Lotti J. is actually Charlotte James, the girl we used to make fun of in middle and high school. She looks so different now with the contacts, new clothes, hair differently, and skinny. Charlotte is HOT!! I looked at her sleeping like a baby in my lap, so I took a picture of her with my phone.

Once we got to the hotel, Niall came running towards sleeping Charlotte and me.

"Thanks Harry I owe you one. Can I have Lotti now, I don't think she wants you to carry her?" I handed Niall Charlotte. She immediately snuggled into Niall's chest. There was this feeling that came over me that I couldn't explain. Paps surrounded our hotel shouting questions about Charlotte.

Long Time, No See - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now