Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Charlotte's POV:

I woke up on a laying on a bed with five pairs of eyes staring at me.

"It's alive!" Louis shouted.

"Louis, cut it out or no carrots for you!" Liam said giving him a death glare.

"Oh, thank God you're awake. You scared me half to death!" Niall said as I started to wake up more. Harry and Zayn were the two silent ones in the room, but I didn't mind.

I looked at all of them, Niall had his face burried in his hands, Louis and Liam were fighting, Harry had a grin on his face, and Zayn just looked relieved. "How long have I been sleeping?" I asked and Zayn held up four fingers and said hours. I couldn't believe I was asleep for four hours. All I remember was leaving the concert in Niall's hoodie, which I was still wearing.

We got some take out food and I immediatley got the one thousand questions game by all of the boys.

"How did you turn into that?"

"Did you and Niall ever kiss?"

"Why did you cry at the end of the concert?"

"Since when did your family become wealthy?"

"How long are you staying with us?"

I was astonished by the questions and Niall's face was like a cherry because of embarrassment. "Would you stop asking questions!? I got contacts, new clothes, exercised, went on a diet, and change up my hair. No, Niall and I never kissed. Something depressing happened and Moments is my favorite One Direction songs. My father has always been wealthy, but we never showed it. I thought you guys would have noticed in middle and high school that we were wealthy because I would have the newest piece of technology or something like that. I'm staying for a couple months, why?"

All their mouths were dropped open and it turned into silence. I saw Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Harry look at me with sympathy. "Um, Niall we never told you this, but we have known Charlotte for ten years and we made fun of her." Liam stated.

Niall had anger in his face and started to yell, "WHAT? How could you do that to her? No wonder when she arrived she stayed away from people at high school. Lotti is a caring girl who thinks of others and she even won prom queen. Did she tell you that? Or what about the ti-"

"NIALL!" I said with my voice slighty raised. I saw the guys' mouths dropped, except for Niall who had a sad look on his face. Louis looked at me, than back to Niall and said, "Did you seriously win prom queen?" I nodded my head and pulled up a picture of me and Niall at prom and showed it to the guys. Niall was the prom king and I was the queen. People thought it was cute since we were best friends for life.

Zayn, Harry, Liam, and Louis all told me in unison, "We are truly sorry, Charlotte on the past years. Is there any way we can make it up to you?"I told them I had to think about it and each one of them gave me a hug. Niall stayed in my room and started to smile.

"Excuse me Mr. Horan, but why did you bring THAT up?!" I asked him with my eyebrows raised. Niall laughed and replied, "What are you talking about?" I gave him a glare before I said, "PROM!" He just shrugged his shoulders, then gave me a hug, and left. It was true that I won prom queen and my dad cried when I came home wearing a crown he didn't buy for me. Niall smirked and then I kicked him out of my room.

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