Twenty Two

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Olivia's POV- May 2018

Chris' breathing lightly puffed against my neck making me thankful for not being ticklish because I would be a giggly mess. Half of his bodyweight was on me and unfortunately, my bladder was asking to be released. He was quite the heavy sleeper, but I had yet to succeed in replacing myself with a pillow. The last time I was almost successful, but a call from Cody ruined the swap. This time...I was successful, but before I could celebrate my bladder reminded me it needed to be Issac was making his way out of the bathroom, and he was a morning person.


I slammed the door closed behind me once I was inside the bathroom and made it just in time. A couple of minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom and walked to the kitchen where Issac was prepping breakfast.

"Chris is dressed, right?"

"Nothing happened last night" I replied.

He raised an eyebrow.

"It happened already though?"

I looked at him and slowly nodded.

"It's not supposed to hurt"

"It hasn't" I answered.

He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Good boy"

He cleared his throat.

"You never answered my question"

"Which was?" I asked.

"Is Chris dressed?"

"He's shirtless" I answered.

"Just shirtless?"

I nodded.

"So do you need help with breakfast?" I wondered hoping to change the subject.

"Nah, I got it"

"What are you making?" I questioned.

"Stuffed french toast"

"Yum," I commented.

"Chris likes strawberries, right?"

"He eats anything" I replied.

"Well, of course, he eats anything you make him, you're a chef"


"So when are we meeting his family?"

"Monday" I answered.

"Makes sense, Emmie gets back Saturday night"

"We're meeting up for breakfast," I told him.

"So you have to wake up early?"

I nodded.

"You must really like him"

I did.

"So who are we meeting?"

"Just his mom, dad, and sister" I replied.

I would be meeting his extended family at his bobblehead night.

"What's his sister's name?"

"Noel" I answered.

"I think she follows me on IG"

He shrugged.

"Anyways, you should go wake Chris up"

He pointed the spatula at me.

"No funny business"

Chris was in the same position I had left him, but he was now awake.


"How long have you been up?" I wondered.

"Cody woke me up like 5 minutes"

"What did he want?" I asked.

"Don't know, I didn't answer"

There was a light knock on the door making me look away from Chris.

"Come in" I called out.

The door opened and Issac stepped into the room.

"So someone named Cody called you"

"What did he want?" I questioned.

Chris' phone rang making him groan. He buried his face into the pillow and spoke up,

"Can you answer that, I'm not in the mood to hear Cody just yet"

I  answered the call.

"Hello," I greeted.

"Liv, I think your phone got stolen!"

I looked at Chris and then at Issac.

"He thinks my phone got stolen," I told them.

Chris shook his head and sat up.


"My phone is very much in my possession" I informed Cody.

"Then who answered?"

"My brother"I replied.

" can I come over for breakfast?"

I turned to see Issac was not in the room anymore. 

"Give me a second," I said to him as I put the call on speaker.

Turning to Chris, I gave him a big kiss before leaving the room.

"You can't just leave after doing that!"

I laughed as Cody said,


Once I was in the kitchen I lowered the volume of the music.

"Is there enough for another person?" I asked Issac as I placed Chris' phone on the counter.

He nodded.


"You can come over," I told Cody before ending the call.

The doorbell rang a few seconds later.

"Were you waiting outside?" I wondered as I let Cody in.

He simply smiled.

"Nice to see you, Liv"

I closed the door behind me and followed him inside.

"Issac, meet Cody. He's Chris' dick roommate and teammate" I said.

Cody looked at me before nodding.

"Yeah, that's me"

"Cody, meet my little brother, Issac," I said.

Issac chuckled.

"Well nice to meet you, dude. Breakfast is almost ready, but I need you to do me a favor"

Cody nodded.

"Can you set the table?"

"I can do that"

With Cody gone, Issac raised the volume on his music and turned his attention back to cooking.

"Hey, Liv"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can we put on facemasks tonight?"

I smiled.

"Of course" I replied.

He glanced up.

"Chris is invited too"

I followed his gaze to see Chris was walking into the kitchen.

"What am I invited too?"

"Facemasks" I answered.

"That sounds great"

A/N: Fun fact (cause I've received 3 questions about it) The name of this story comes from an ABBA song, and also because if you haven't realized...this relationship has blossomed during their free time...which is usually night time.

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