Twenty Eight

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Olivia's POV- June 2018

"I'm sure she's inside Issac's room," I said.

As we made our way to the kitchen a couple of minutes ago, I noticed that the door to his room was slightly open. 

"Poor, Dusty she didn't have to witness that"

I laughed.

"Chris, I'm sure she had no idea to what was even happening," I told him as I transferred mango slices from the cutting board to a plate.

"She licked some sweat off my neck, it was pretty weird"

I smiled.

"Your scream surely drew her out of the room" I teased.

"I did not scream"

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry, squeal" I corrected.

"Thanks, love"

"Love?" I asked.

His cheeks flushed as I raised an eyebrow.

"If I have a pet name, does that mean I can give you one?" I wondered.

"It doesn't bother you?"

I laughed and pecked his lips.

"It does not" I confirmed.

His shoulders relaxed a bit as he nodded.

"Okay, good. I thought you might think it was weird"

I shook my head and reached for a slice of mango.

"What are you two doing? It's 2 AM"

I smiled at Issac as he made his way into the kitchen. He eyed Chris and then scrunched up his nose at me as we made eye contact.

"I see you two are refueling"

That was one way of calling this.

"Want some mango?" I asked.

"You know I could never say no to fruit"

He grabbed a fork before taking a seat across from Chris and me.

"Why are you up this late?" I questioned.

"Dusty actually woke me up"

I looked at Chris who's cheeks were beginning to flush.

"So that's where she went" I stated.

Issac normally slept with his bedroom door closed.

"Oh god, please tell me Dusty was not in the room while you two shagged?"

He scrunched up his nose as Chris covered up his face.

"Guys, she can see in the dark!"

"We usually let her in after" I defended.

"I'm sensing a but?"

Chris laughed as he covered his face with his hand.

"More like butt"

I took a deep breath and giggled after as Chris lost it.

"Can I tell him?" I asked Chris.

He tried to stifle his laugh but failed. Taking a deep breath he nodded and I turned to my youngest sibling.

"So as you know, Chris and I were having sex" I bluntly started.

Issac nodded.

"TMI, but continue"

"Dusty climbed up on the bed to investigate the thumping," I told him.

"Oh god"

"And well Chris flipped us over so he was on top," I said.

Issac gagged.


"It honestly happened pretty quick. First I heard the bell on her collar, and as I went to warn Chris...he froze. Dusty had hopped up on Chris, stepped on his bare behind" I explained.

Issac covered his mouth.

"It gets better," I told him.

"What could possibly top this?"

Chris groaned as he reached for a piece of mango.

"She made her way up Chris' body and proceeded to make her presence known by licking Chris' neck and then beginning to knead on his bare back," I informed him.

Issac glanced down as the small chime of a bell was heard.

"Chris screamed in pain as she dug in her nails into her back, and she bolted" I finished.

He chuckled.

"Yeah, cat's are curious creatures"

That was true.

"Well I'm going back to bed, I've got to wake up in 5 hours"

"Night" I called out.

"You two should go to bed too"

I had to wake up at 10 AM because I had worked at noon. Chris had practice at 1 PM, and he had to go pick Cody up.

"Have you packed?" I asked.

Chris smiled.


"Guess you're waking up at the same time as me," I said.

He looked at me.

"You leave on your road trip in 2 days" I reminded him.

"Oh shit"

A/N: I'm currently struggling with this story, so I have decided that this story will end in a couple of chapters. 

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