I Spy: Part 2

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Seth's POV

It's been an hour and I still have nothing to wear. I have to pick up Laila in 35 minutes so we can go to Charlie's house for dinner. She's going to kill me or worse, punch me and if I'm lucky she won't touch my beautiful face.

"Sethy bear, where are you going?" Ciara asked peeking her head into the room. Her hair was perfectly straightened and she was wearing some way too expensive night gown made of some kind of imported silk. I honestly don't know why she has to get so dressed up just to go to sleep. Sometimes she even puts make up on before she goes to bed. Even though she looks like she rolled her face in paint the next morning she still does it.

"Charlie invited me to have dinner at his place I'll be back later on tonight." I found a dark blue buttoned up shirt all the way in the back of my closet along with some jeans. Well this'll have to do. I put on the clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I don't look that bad. I sprayed on some cologne and put my shoes on.

"Well don't come home too late." she said walking out of the room to go put her make up. I got my phone and keys and headed out the door to my car. On my way their I couldn't help but imagine what Laila could be wearing. Hopefully a dress. If so then I will die a happy man. But I'm probably getting my hopes up too high, Laila isn't a dress kind of girl which is kind of cute. Ciara wears dresses for everything. To the fair, beach, grocery store, bank, ect. Because of that I absolutely hate dresses on anyone, I don't care how hot you are if your wearing a dress I will rip my eyes out. Unless you're Laila, than you can wear whatever you want.

I pulled into her drive way and got out of the car. I started walking up to her front door, getting a little excited because I haven't seen her for a full 3 hours and it's been killing me. I knocked on her door grinning, excepting her to come out looking beautiful. But instead I break out into a full on smile because she doesn't look beautiful, she looks breathtaking. No she isn't wearing a dress or fancy clothes, she's still in her work uniform with her makeup kind of smudged and her hair all messy. She looks stressed out and exhausted. Poor thing probably couldn't find anything to wear, but no worries the fashion Nazi is here to save the day and the reason I say fashion Nazi is because all day I look at what people are wearing and I judge them. I'm sorry but you have to be a complete idiot if you can't dress yourself properly.

"Wow you look awful." I smirked. I watched as she balled up her fist and was just about ready to punch me in the face but I grabbed her hand and started dragging her up stairs instead. Told you she was going to punch me in the face. I walked into her room and headed straight for her closet. While rummaging through her stuff I came across a small dark green strapless dress, why haven't I ever seen this? She needs to wear this before I die and I will make sure she does. Putting that aside I find a loose purple tank top, blue skinny jeans, and a black leather jacket. All I need are some shoes for her. I look behind me to ask her what kind of shoes she's going to wear but instead see her checking me out. Uh oh I feel my cockiness coming out. I turn back around with a huge smirk and my eyes make a final look around her closet. My gaze finally lands on a pair of black ballet flats and I pick them up.

"Stop checking me out and put this on." I say throwing the clothes into her lap and jumping onto her bed whipping my phone out. I see a text from Ciara and open it. It's a picture of a new dress she bought, it's white and has her name going down the side in gold. God can't she buy something normal. I peeked over my phone hoping to see Laila changing but see her walking out of her room to the bathroom instead. Damn so close. When she walked back out wearing what I picked out my jaw dropped but I hid it. Don't need her teasing me about that like I'm going to tease her about checking me out.

"Now what do we do about my hair?" Laila asked sheepishly. Her cheeks grew red in embarrassment and she looked down at her feet. I turned her around so her back was to me and started brushing out the knots in her hair. I then gathered up her hair in a high ponytail and tied it with a scrunchy. I decide she didn't need make up because she look perfect without it. After making sure she looked good I walked over to her door.

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