Chapter 16

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Lea grinned, as they were getting close to catching them up a month later. She had to keep adjusting the lesson plan, as they had wanted to have more covered, or had lots of questions on a topic that they had to take extra time. They had all the time they needed, as there was no deadline for exams or semesters.  She had a list of topics to cover, and if they went off on a tangent for a bit, that was fine; it meant that the pack would be even better educated than she decided they needed to be to function.

They had been surprised at the introduction of power, and the artificial lighting. The solar panels were installed on the roof, of the three buildings they now had. The smallest had become the power house and stored the battery system. They had also added in a small fusion reactor, but they weren't telling much about it, just that it was a power source, and not ready yet. They had introduced them to water treatment and running water, and having warm water to wash in, other than their hot spring. It had led into a day where they told about how a hot spring worked, and into a week of how the earth had formed and how it kept moving, including volcanoes. She hadn't really been planning on teaching that till after their technology was up, as she was going to expand their views after it, but it worked out.

They didn't say that much of the hot water was going to be coming from the heat generated by the reactor once active. It had a water jacket to absorb excess heat which was something they'd talked to the Folician's about. It provided almost free unlimited hot water for the entire pride. Even the Pack was using excess heat from the reactor for their use.

Today was the first day for the laptops she had ordered in. These were rugged ones that could handle being out in the rain, and with a magnesium shell, she hoped they would hold up to the cats. Batteries, since they were able to get them enhanced with Folician technology, were strong enough they could run them for a day or two without issue, so she didn't need to run cords around so they could use them.

There was fifty of them, and as such they were going to have to share a few, but with the power, they now could learn to use them. They had the latest OS and software, the Weres had developed on their own to use, as the human ones shared too much information, and were not secure at all, and when steps were taken to secure the device to their requirements, it gave errors and refused to work.

It helped they had Weres who had formerly worked at the human companies and had left in protest when many of the changes were forced by governments 'for National Security' but was more of so they could watch what the user was doing without getting a warrant or for other countries, that they could steal their data.

The Weres now had a free system that they shared, that tied into the ultra-secure Werenet, and if the machine was taken out into the human internet, it would securely connect back into the nearest hub before it would do anything. They also could be remotely wiped, with a simple command being set from any other machine. As soon as it tried to connect to the Werenet, it would wipe out the system, and trigger the hardware-based locator beacon.

While there were updates—the few that they had to do, they were rolled out slowly, to make sure the systems were working before it was sent out to everyone, yet still once in a while, usually older systems, would have issues with them, or would have a hardware issue show up, but such is life.

She had done a theory class the day before to introduce them to the idea of computers. Right now, they were going to go through how to use them; turn them on, restart, basic file navigation, and basic software that was on them. "OK, the laptops are here." She described how they were plugged into the racks, and how to remove them; with a dock connector at the back that they interfaced into, they just needed to pull them straight out, and then close the cover. They had networked the rack, so that if any updates came out, which was one or two times a year, they would receive them. Once they were comfortable on the computers, they would then start working to get them online on the Werenet.

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