"i DoNt ThInK tHeY lIkE mE"

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you were on your way back to the Why Don't We house and Jack was driving. It wasn't that late, it was only 5:37pm. You started thinking about how you spent most of yesterday and all of today and you realized you probably should go home later today but you didn't want to.

"Jack" you said. "yes babygirl?" he looked at you quickly and smiled. "I'm gonna miss you. I spent these past 2 days with you and i love hanging out with you, so when i go home later tonight, i'm gonna miss you." you said starting to get a little sad. "so don't.. don't go home tonight. stay at my house another night. the boys won't mind. they wanna start getting to know you too and they don't care if you stay cause you're not affecting where they sleep. so stay." jack said with a smile on his face. "okay" you said, "but i'm sleeping on the couch cause i felt bad that you had to sleep on the couch last night cause sOmEoNe put me in their bed" "no it's fine, i can sleep on the couch. my princess needs to be as comfy as possible" jack laughs. you laugh and smile "no i'm fine, i can sleep on the couch." you were hoping that jack was gonna say that you could both sleep in his room cause you loved cuddling with him. "fine, i'll go sleep in daniel's room then" jack suggested. "no! i'm not gonna kick you out of your own room" you protested. "fine.. how about cuddles tonight then? we can both sleep in my room." a big smile grew on your face "sounds good to me" jack laughed "that's what you wanted the whole time wasn't it? cuddles with THE jack avery?" "nO nOt At AlL" you lied. jack put his right hand on top of yours, while the left one was on the steering wheel. "don't lie, we both know thats what we both wanted the whole time" jack said. "you're right" you admitted.

you got to the house and it was 6:26pm. you and jack grabbed all the shopping bags from the back seat and walked in the house. "we're hOMEEE" jack announced. all 4 boys came running downstairs. "can you make dinner?" "i'm hungry!" "we've been arguing for the past hour about who's gonna make dinner" "i can't cook, i'll probably end up burning down the house" were only some of the questions asked my the 4 boys.

"yes, fine, i'll make dinner" jack said. "YAY" they all yelled and then ran into the living room. jack and you were still by the front door. Jack takes the bags from you and puts them by the bottom of the stairs. He walks back over to you and says "i'm gonna go take a shower and then i'll come down and cook dinner. go hang out with the boys for a while, okay?" he told you. "okay" you smiled and he kissed your forehead then brought all the bags upstairs.

you went and sat on the couch with the boys, next to jonah. "i saw that" jonah said. you knew what jonah was talking about but you pretended to be clueless, "saw what?" "that kiss on your forehead" he explained. "ohhh and your point is??" you responded. "nothing.." he replied.

                             (Jonah's POV)
I felt my phone vibrate and it was a text from Daniel.. I opened it without letting y/n see.

*texts between Daniel and Jonah*

Daniel: ask her if she likes him. Jack hasn't told me but you can tell he really likes her, and i'm pretty sure she likes him too but i barely know her so i wouldn't be able to tell.
Jonah: oooh okay

                                (Normal POV)

Jonah whispered so the rest of the boys couldn't hear. "Listen, i'm not gonna say anything to anyone except for Daniel and Daniel isn't gonna say anything to anyone either but do you like Jack??"

                                  (Daniel's POV)

Daniel texted Jack
Daniel: hey bro u out of the shower yet?? i wanna talk to u ab something
Jack: yeah bro u cam come up

                                  (Normal POV)

Daniel went upstairs to talk to Jack and the rest of the boys and you were still on the couch.

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