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THE cars door slammed shut with the push of her hand as she finished with putting her suit case inside

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THE cars door slammed shut with the push of her hand as she finished with putting her suit case inside. With sleep still running though her body she slumped against her car. Ever since she graduated getting up early wasn't some thing she was used to.

The thought of getting out of there. The town she grew up in and away from her parents, kept a smile on her face. Pushing herself up on the trunk her set her elbows on her knees and her chin on her palms. Watching the sun come up was one of the best feelings ever, the feeling almost took over the inching thought in the back of her head. She was leaving behind her friends, her brother. The boy she loved. When she was younger she knew leaving would take sacrifices like those, then she thought it would be easy to give them up. Now It's like something it pushing on her chest making it hard to breathe, anytime leaving her friends was brought up.

"Were you planning on leaving without giving me a goodbye kiss." She giggled as she looked over at the tall teen walking up beside her. His hair stuck up everywhere as he ran a hand through it. His shirt was unbuttoned half way and his pants looked like they were quickly thrown on. He smiled down at her and picked her up off of her car. "You weren't going to leave without giving me a kiss, right?"

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving yet," Renee laughed, rapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He leaned down and set his lips on hers. His arms grapped around her waist pulling her up towards him.

"Seriously, don't pretend I didn't see you two making out last night. Don't start again in the front yard." They pulled their faces away and laughed at her brothers words, she hiding her face in her boyfriends chest. For the past three years the two had been together Richie has made it his job to ruin any romantic moment the two come across. The protective brother even tried to ruin their first official date during sophomore year.

But after everything that had happen to them, with their parents and the stupid clown, Richie warmed up to the idea of the two being together. Renee had always had a reason to smile because if him and it was worth it all because he saw how happy his sister was, not including what happened during junior year what caused him to almost beat Bill half to death.

Bill set down Renee and her bare feet touched the pavement once again. Richie watched with a raised eyebrow, soon to notice Bill's shirt. "Care to tell me why your shirt is unbuttoned." Laughing at Bills red face she hunched over and held her stomach her own face turning red. "A little over board, Renee."

"I'm half asleep everything is funny to me," She sassed, playfully glaring at him. After a few years she finally started to get confident in herself. Started to talk more to people and speak up in class. She never went out of her way to make friends because really, she didn't anymore then the one's she has. "Come on, I need breakfast."

The group walked inside the house. They we're all glade the siblings parent's were gone for the week. They had the house to themselves and they did have to worry about anything that might set off their mom.

They pulled down the box's of cereal and poured themselves a bowl. The whole breakfast was them laughing and telling jokes and then ended with them grabbing photo albums from when they were younger to look through.

"Oh my god, I don't have glasses on in that photo!" Richie exclaimed, pushing the other two away from the book, pulling it up close to his face. Taking the book back she through her spoon to her-now finished-bowl of cereal and watched it hit him right in the corner of his eye.

"Now who's a little over the top?" She sassed, lying her head on Bills shoulder. For the next few hours it was just them, staying inside and watching old movie's. Laughing at stupid jokes Richie made when they were younger. Until one by one each loser showed up and with a surprise to all of them Bev walked through the door.

"Beverly...." The red head smiled over at the raven haired girl, pulling her into a tight hug. "What are you doing here?" She laughed at the face that Renee gave her. The confusion she had couldn't be missed.

"Ben invited me."

The others left an the original three were left. Richie past out on the couch with his shirt some how on top of the ceiling fan in the dining room and the other two were up in the siblings room, lying on the floor staring at the ceiling. "Do you have to leave?" Bill turned on his side and looked over at Renee. "I mean, can't you stay 'til I have to leave for college?" She laughed and pushed strands of his auburn hair out of his eyes.

"I would but Bill, I can't--I won't stay in this house any longer then I have to." He sighed as he pulled her into his chest, kissing her forehead.

"Why can't we...rent a apartment together, or something?" He suggests, with a smile on his lips as he imagined what it would be like with them in their own home, living on their own with no parents to worry about. "Richie could sleep out on our couch or something." She laughed at his offer and put her hands on his chest.

"Oh Billy, why not?"

"Oh Billy, why not?"

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