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Sophie's POV

"Sophie!" I heard Laila's voice call as I was about to walk into the lunch room.

I waved Scott on, turning to see her and Lydia running towards me. Isaac paused to give them a confused glance but continued walking when Erica tugged on his arm.

"Sophie, do you think we could talk to you?"


"Not here. Come on." She grabbed my hand, leading me to the library.


"We wanted to talk to you about fighting."

"What about it?"

"You fought off people with glowing red eyes, fangs and claws and you didn't even flinch. How?" Lydia summed up, folding her arms across her chest.

"I'm used to it."

"How many of these things have you fought?"

"Enough to know that fear is the wrong emotion to have around them. They're wolves essentially, their instincts override any humanity they have. And the best part of the kill is the chase. So, if you're cowering in a corner or running for your life, you're feeding that side of them. Standing up to them makes them see you as an opponent instead of prey."

"Do you think we should learn to fight?" Laila asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"That's up to you. It'd be smart to but they probably won't bother you two again. Unless they're desperate. They're building up to it though, you guys are fine for now."

"For now?" Lydia parroted, glaring at me.

"I can't promise anything. But I do know that Isaac will protect you with his life and that means the rest of us will too. So, you have an entire pack defending you. Don't worry about it too much."

"I don't like feeling helpless. I just want to help you guys but Isaac doesn't want me involved in any of it. But I can't just sit there while all of you are risking your lives." Laila explained, clasping her hands together and playing with her fingers as she talked.

"Have you ever shot a gun?"

"I've never been near a gun."


She shook her head instead of answering, biting her lip.


"I've never really handled a weapon unless kitchen knives count."

"So you want me to teach you?"

"I don't know. I don't know if I'd be able to do it, to hurt someone."

"What if that someone was trying to kill you?"

"I don't know." she repeated, shrugging.

"Well, the way I see it, you have two options. I understand where you're coming from so I'll help you. I'll teach you the basics and you can decide if you want to continue or not. Or you can help some other way."

"What other way is there?"

"Planning. We're still working on that so I'm sure another brain wouldn't hurt."

"I did overhear some of the...Alphas talking about you guys."

"Wait, you heard their plans and you didn't say anything?"

"I tried but everytime I bring werewolves up to Isaac, he says he doesn't want me anywhere near all of this."

"Laila. What did they say?"

Scott's POV

"We're meeting up at the loft after school, pack meeting." Isaac told me as we sat down at a table.

"But tonight's the full moon."

"Exactly, Derek wants to talk to us about anchors."

I opened my mouth to respond but cut off when I saw Sophie nearly running over, Laila and Lydia close behind her.

"We have to go." Sophie demanded, her eyes meeting mine.


"The loft. Turns out these two know some information on the Alphas. I know their next step."

"Alright, come on." I stood up, grabbing my bag and reaching out to put my hand on the small of her back as I began to lead us out.

"What about school?" Laila questioned, looking over at Isaac as he, Erica and Stiles all got up.

"This is important. Like life or death important. Literally." Stiles pointed out as we headed towards the doors.

"Alright, we'll come with you."

"Laila, we've talked about this." Isaac paused, making the rest of us stop to wait for him.

"Isaac, it's a good idea to let her come with us. She knows a lot more than we do." Sophie tried as Lydia rolled her eyes.

"I say we don't go. Come on Laila, we'll just stand around if we go." Lydia argued, shaking her head.


"You guys go. We'll see you tomorrow."

Author's Note:

What do you think will happen next? 

Double update since this book's hit 500k!! Thank you so much!

I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEEEEE!! 

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