Chapter 30 - 6 months

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Shayne's POV
Me and Courtney were on our way to Damien's.
"I'm excited I hope Damien gets this then we can see him more often" Courtney said
"Yeah it would be great and give us an excuse to hang out after work and stuff without making people suspicious" I nodded tapping my fingers on the wheel.
We arrived at Damien's quickly Courtney knocked while I closed the car door "Damien!" She smiled
"Hey court"
"You ready?" I asked stepping up to the door
"Yep" Damien smiled closing the door and then locking it behind him "let's go" I said.
We got into the car and drove to the office Damien didn't stop talking I could tell he was nervous for sure but I knew he would crush it.
"We're here" I said pulling clutch
"Jeez Okay" he nodded "I've got this"
"Yeah of course you do Damien your awesome just be yourself!" Courtney smiled rubbing his shoulder
"Yeah your right Okay"
"Good luck bud we'll be here waiting" I said opening the door
"Okay thanks guys" he said skipping away into the office.
Damien's POV
I walked into the building a short woman showed me into the room once I was called. It looked like a conference room there were several chairs around in large table, sat behind it were two young looking guys and an older guy thy seemed friendly and waved as I walked in "Hi there Damien right?" The shortest guy smiled "Yeah" I nodded shaking his hand
"Well Hi my names Ian this is joe and Anthony"
We all shook hands
"Please sit down" joe said pointing to the chair
"Thanks" I said sitting down
"So we are just gonna ask you some questions and then you can go"
"Oh cool" I nodded
"So How often do you play video games?" Anthony asked
"Pretty much everyday unless I'm busy" I shrugged
"Okay and which game do you play most often?"
Shayne's POV
"I hope he is okay" Courtney frowned twiddling her thumbs
"He'll Do great you know damien" I reassured Courtney placing my hands on hers to calm her down
"Your right" she said sitting back and leaning on my shoulder "he will be"
I closed my eyes and embraced Courtney "this is nice-" I sighed
"You guys should really be more careful we are outside of smosh" Damien laughed opening the door.
"Oh Damien" I flinched "how did it go"
"I think it went well" he nodded climbing into the back seat
"That's awesome!" Courtney smiled patting his shoulder
"Yeah it seems like a great place" He fastened his seat belt
"Should we go celebrate with breakfast?" I turned on the car
"Ye jeez Shayne"
They both said in stupid voices laughing and high giving each other
Me and Courtney arrived home after dropping Damien off at his place.
"Jeez I'm tired" I sighed slumping on the sofa
"Yeah I haven't had coffee or anything today" Courtney sighed sitting beside me "so what are we gonna do this week?" I asked
"Well I need to find my phone and clean this place which you will help me with" she punched my shoulder
"Yeah I'll ask Wahlid if you get started"
"Okay" she nodded sitting up

Hey Wahlid did court leave her phone at yours?
She did actually
Could I grab it?
Okay I'll be over in ten
"Hey court Wahlid has your phone I'm gonna go grab it" I said standing up
"Oh okay then I'll clean the apartment" she nodded
"Love you" I said kissing her forehead
"I love you more" she smiled wiping dust off of my shoulder.
"I'll be back soon bye" and I left
Courtney's POV
I had just finished cleaning the bedroom when Shayne came home "honey I'm home" he said in a dumb voice
"Yoohoo" I laughed wrapping my arms around him.
"I realised on the way here tomorrow is our sixth month being together it's our half year anniversary!" Shayne chuckled
"That's so sweet it feels like I've known you for years" I smirked
"I know.. hey we should celebrate" Shayne shrugged
"How?" I asked
"I was going to say visit where we started dating but it's probably being used for a summer camp or something" Shayne frowned
"Oh! We could go and spend the week in kernsville!" Shayne exclaimed
"That would be amazing" I smiled
"Let's do it!" Shayne said "we can leave tomorrow"
Damien's POV
It was getting later I was reading when Shayne texted me saying him and Courtney were going away for the week. I am happy they get to spend time together now especially some where people don't know them. A while past and I was getting hungry "Hmm I'll go out" I mumbled patting my stomach then standing to find my favourite sweatshirt. After half an hour or so I gave up and sat back down "where is it!" Moaned and suddenly my mind drifted back to when Courtney was in the hospital "I gave it to the British girl!" I opened my phone and scrolled through my contacts looking through my contacts "what was her name? Ugh!"
Guitar girl you spilt tea on 🎸
I tapped it she had even written 'I have your jumper' in the description of contact I laughed slightly before calling the number. *ring* *ring* *ring* it rang and suddenly a sweet voice came through the phone "Hello?"
"Oh uh hi this is the guy who spilt coffee on you"
"Oh hello"
"Hi I was just wondering if you still ha don't sweatshirt?"
"Yeah I do I could meet you after my gig tonight at the 'soldrunk' bar down town"
"Oh that would be awesome"
"7 Okay?" She asked
"Okay see you then good bye"
"Bye" I said hanging up the phone.

Authors notes
Hey there guys I'm just wondering if you guys want Damien to end up with anyone because I'm introducing him this love interest rn but if you have any strong opinions that could change please send me a message or comment on this if your fine with it or want him to end up with someone. 👋

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