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Your P

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Your P.O.V

My eyes slowly open as I woke up from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes with my fingers. As I did, I took in the morning sun that shined through my window besides my bed. As soon as I was going to get up, I realized my mom stood right in front of me.

Her face wasn't the happiest either. She showed a disgusted frown her face as her eyes pierced my sleepy ones. I yawned loudly as she sighed. She rubbed her temples in distress. "Get up, please. I have been calling your name for almost thirty minutes," She claimed.

I didn't even hear anything from her while I was sleeping. I was dead asleep, I guess. I exhaled while moving my blankets on my bed. I positioned myself to sit up while I spoke to her. "I am up, Mom," I explained to her while yawning loudly once again.

She shook her head as she wasn't giving up. She had been at this for the past thirty minutes. She moved her hand to my hair, rubbing it like a mother would. "You have to get up, honey. It's your first day of school," She told me as I pushed her hand off of my head.

My eyes followed the sunlight. The sunlight made everything brighter. "I wish the school would catch on fire and die," I murmur. I hoped she didn't hear anything I said, but to my luck, she had the best listening ears out of the family.

She tilted her head to the side, making sure she heard what she heard from me. I held my glance to my window as eyes were closed shut. I played with my fingers, nervously.

"What did you say to me? You know well that your father got you into this school," She questioned. Her face was filled with mixed emotions - both anger and curiosity.

My eyes met hers as I sat there on my bed. At this rate, I probably have missed half of my classes anyways. "Seriously? You're bringing him into this? I don't even want to go to the school anyway," I said, heatedly. I ruffled my hair in frustration.

She awkwardly looks over at my desk, not wanting to talk about the topic anymore. "Mom, does he even care for me," I asked her as she didnt look over at me once. She knew she was wrong which hurt me even more than it already did.

She then reached out to me, grabbing my hand as she held it tightly with her own. I only push her hand away from me. "He works a lot and really tries to care for you," She stated to me, sadly as if that was going to help any.

I repeated the question again.

This time she didn't reach out for me. She was tempted to but didn't do so. She sighs as her eyes looked glassy while she glanced at me. "I don't know, Y/N. But-," She told me as she got cut off.

That was all the information I needed. "Mom, I need to go ready for school," I stated while getting up off of my bed.

She walked towards the door, understanding what I told her. Still, she turned to me with sadden eyes. But, she still leaves after a few seconds of looking at me.

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