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I know that this story is over now

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I know that this story is over now. 


 I wanted to say thank you

for making this story grow. I didn't think it would hit 3k in a couple of months. 

thank you for everything.

I was thinking of fixing all the grammar and the mistakes in it. So if you see me update it don't worry. 

Even though this story is over, I will still be writing. 

I have Galaxy Between Us that I'm working on right now. Which is updated every Thursday if I can

Then I have idol into a monster which i have put on hiatus for right now. But will be working on after I get the galaxy story over with.

Then there is 2 more stories that I'm working on right now but not published yet.

Really, I having trouble writing one on here because of the layout of the story. 

Just look forward those stories. 

But in the time being, I'm probably going to fix this one or just continue writing on new ones. 

I'm sorry I ended it short. But thank you for reading it if you did. Please continue to support me and my writing. I work hard on it. 

I can actually say I finished a story. 

Vampire Academy// Jimin FF ✔️ {major editing}Where stories live. Discover now