The Plan

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Ruffnut woke up the following day to a loud banging on the door followed by Snotlout barging into their home trailed closely by the rest of the gang.

"Where is it!?" He demanded as he stormed over to where the twin's beds were. 

"Where's what?" Ruffnut asked slightly annoyed being woken up so harshly.

"Our stuff!" 

"Uh... Snotlout" Fishlegs said while looking around the twins hut "I don't think they took our stuff" 

"Of course they did! Who else is brain dead enough to steal useless....oh"

Snotlout, now facing Fishlegs, saw the state of their hut. Barrels knocked over, chests torn open and most noticeably, the ruined window surrounded by deep scratch marks cutting into the wooden walls and floor. Hiccup walked over towards the scratches with Fishlegs trailing quickly behind. 

"I haven't seen claw marks like this before Hiccup, it must be a new dragon"

"I'll have to go over the Dragon Manual to make sure but... it looks like it" relied Hiccup as his fingertips grazed over the claw marks.

"Oh great!" exclaimed Snotlout "now we have to go off and find some kleptomaniac dragon just so we can get OUR OWN STUFF BACK!" he complained flailing his arms around widly.

Tuffnut suddenly sat up erect in his bed startling the gang "Its Odin I tell you! He's come to take us!" he shouted.

Climbing over towards his sister, grabbing her shoulders harshly before madly shaking her "He's here to punish us for our betrayal! Oh, woe is me. Nay! Woe is us!" He finishes as he crushes her to his chest.

"Get off me idiot!" Ruffnut shouts pushing her brother off her resulting in him falling out of her bed and on to the floor with a loud thud.

"Hiccup" called Astrid from the doorway "How do we even find the Dragon? It'll be long gone by now."

"Well, the Dragon has been stealing mostly food and furs so it's probably building some sort of nest" hiccup trails on "question is; how do we find the net?" 

"Hiccup, everyone's house has been raided except yours" Fishelgs explains "it would make sense, if it comes back, that it'll steal from you next"

"And when it does all we have to do is follow it back to its nest and-" 

"Get my stuff back!" Snotlout interrupts.

"Make sure it's okay" hiccup finishes while glaring at Snotlout. "We've never seen a dragon like this anywhere in the Archipelago before, there must be something wrong if it's travelled so far"

//I know it's taking a while but I swear that hiccup and reader will meet next chapter//

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