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"FUCK YOU AND YOU'RE FRIENDSHIP" She yelled in my face. "Lina chill the fuck out!" I yelled. "NO! WHAT YOU DID FUCKING HURT" She screamed. We were in the middle of the yard at school. We were about to get in so much trouble.

"Ok Lina. Seriously. Before we get in trouble-"

"FUCK THIS SCHOOL WE CAN GET TROUBLE I DONT GIVE A FUCK IM LEAVING THIS MY LAST DAY HERE! FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU GET SUSPENDED YOU BITCH" She screamed even louder. "Lina. Ok I get you're angry and you have every right to be but I seriously need you to calm down please" I said. 

A teacher approached us. "Ladies, please calm down. Let's take a walk to the office" 


I sat in a chair. Across the desk was the principle. I kept my head down as I slouched in my seat. I had never been in trouble before. "So can you tell me what had started this whole argument that almost broke out to a full blown fight" He said. I swallowed. "I did something horrible to's all my fault" I said. He nodded. I heard him scribbling notes. "What did you do to her?" He asked. 

I shook my head as I buried my hands into my head and started balling my eyes out. After getting myself together I told the whole story. Crying, going through a whole box of tissues. After I waited outside the office, listening to Lina screaming and cursing in the room. All I did was lean back against the wall and cry. 

I was called back in. Lina was sitting against the wall under the window and I sat in the chair in front of the principle. "So, you girls are in...quite the predicament. Now it is true Ms. Bredgers is leaving today, so there is not much I can do punishment wise. As you for you Ms. Blanca...I don't think that anything should be done. There were witnesses saying they saw you trying to calm Bredgers down. Bredgers...for disrupting the peace we are just going to write to your next school this experience so they can keep an eye on you" He said. 

I saw the anger in Lina's eyes. "You're not gonna do shit to the person who started this in the first fucking place?" She asked. "well yes what Blanca did to you may have not been the nicest but still, you could have been the bigger person Bredgers and just stopped talking to her or even approach her in a civil matter. But you did not. That is all. You girls may return to class" He said. I practically jumped out of my seat and almost ran across campus to my class.

Upon arrival I sat in my usual spot in the back of the class and kept my head down. Crying for the rest of the hour.

That was the last time I spoke to Lina Bredgers... 

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