13 - Lina

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I sat in the room with Jaz in a chair next to her bed, my foot taping uncontrollably. She's only eight months pregnant. I could see how much pain she was in and they were taking their sweet time with the epidural. I grabbed onto Jaz's hand. She looked at me, "Where the hell are they?" she asked through gritting teeth.

They finally came with the epidural and gave it to her...now we wait...


It was a blur. All I can remember are tears. So many tears. They were both so small. They were rushed off to another part of the hospital where they were hooked up to so many things just to keep them alive.

I was in the room with Jaz. She was awake now, staring at the far wall in the hospital room. The doctor came into the room with a solemn look on her face. "I...um...am afraid neither of your children survived" She said. I could hear Jaz bursting into tears. I couldn't look at her, I didn't want to start crying too. I just held onto her hand as she sobbed.

We went home the next day. Jaz laid on the bed, I could tell she was still sore. I left her alone and sat in the chair that went to a desk. I couldn't even concentrate on the screen of my laptop in front of me. My vision blurred with tears

I knew after that experience Jaz didn't want to try having children again. I don't know if I did. Right now we needed to mourn the loss of our children.

"Lina" Jaz said barely above a whisper. "Yeah?" I answered, my voice slightly shaky. She turned over to look at me. Her eyes puffy and face red. It broke my heart to see her like that.

"Come here" She said. I walked to the bed and laid down next to her, she rested her head on my chest, her arms wrapped around my body as mine did the same to hers. Nothing was said. We just laid there, silently crying.

We decided to still go along with the plan to get married. Jaz seemed a little more tense than usual. As innocent workers fitted Jaz for her tux she snapped at them more than once. She had this permanent sad look in her eyes. When she looked at me I could see some of the sadness lifted, but not all. I wanted to take it from her. Not allow her to feel the pain any longer. But I couldn't do that. Which left me feeling helpless.

The day of our wedding landed on November 18, 2028. A week before Jaz's birthday. I felt nervous as I was with my friends in a back room looking in a mirror one last time. I remember Jaz talking about what she wanted her wife to wear on her wedding day. It came to life in the mirror in front of me.

The entire dress had real diamonds on it for one thing, and it was off the shoulder, with lace sleeves. A ball gown dress as extravagant and extra as my soon to be wife. A crown with also real diamonds, rainbow glitter in my hair and flowers more colorful than anything I had ever seen. A veil that reached the floor. The only difference was that I was wearing flats, cause Jaz doesn't like me in heels.

I could see the chairs in a circle around the arch with roses dyed and patterned to look like a rainbow. There was Jaz. Genuinely smiling for the first time in a long time. She sees me and her eyes light up. Two flower girls walk in front of me sprinkling rainbow colored flower petals in my path. Two ring bearers walk behind me each with their own pillow with one ring on each one. I reach the arch and stand before Jaz. There was our tenth/eleventh grade theatre teacher who is marrying us, like Jaz wanted.

"Here, we are joining together to see these two gay people, get married in this very gay wedding..." I tuned her out. All I could see was Jaz's smiling face. I knew all she could see was mine. "Your vows Lina?" She asked.

"Jazmina...I've taken you for granted, I've stabbed you in the back, I've accused you of turning your back on me when...you didn't...You never did. I believe you never will. So in return, I will never take you for granted, I will never stab you in the back, I will never accuse you of turning your back on me, and I will never turn my back on you. I will stay right beside you, because I'm the happiest me, the best me, when I am with you" I said.

I could see Jaz tearing up but nothing prepared me for what she said : "Lina...ten years ago, something unthinkable happened. My mother did something to you that will never be forgivable or excusable. I wish though, I had come to you sooner, maybe this day would have happened long ago. That doesn't matter now though, because it's here. I promise to always care for you and our children. I promise that no matter who tries to put bad words on your name will be personally delt with by me. I never stopped loving you. That day...at the store, I was sick. I almost didn't go. I'm glad I did. Because now I can say...Lina Bredgers.... I found you" She said. I couldn't help it, a tear slipped out of my eye and rolled down my face. I dabbed it away so not to mess up my make up.

"Very touching you two"

Rings were exchanged. As soon as "you may now kiss the bride" left her mouth I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and my arms went around Jaz's neck. Our lips touched, the whole world melted away.

I felt indestructible. Jaz is mine. No one will take her from me. Because this is my wife. Nothing sounds stronger than that. "Excuse me that's my wife" sounds more assertive than "Excuse me that's my girlfriend" and now I could say that.

Jaz led me by the hand to a limo driving us home, for us to change and then take our flight to France.


The hotel suit was huge. The size of an apartment alone. I looked around the front room as Jaz put our bags in the room. Then I walked in behind her. I slipped my hands onto her waist, something I knew got to her. She stiffens slightly, "What do you want?" She asked, pulling away and sitting down.

I leaned forward into her ear and whispered the one thing I knew she could not resist. "Daddy" I whispered. Jaz's breath started to shake. I smiled. Her back straightened as she wrapped her arms around my waist. "Say it again" She whispered almost desperate. This time I moaned the word, getting really close to her ear, "Daddy"

I earned a moan from Jaz. She pulled me forward and turned so I was on my back and she climbed on top of me. She grabbed my hair from the roots and pulled it back to my head was bent back, exposing my neck. I felt her lips connect with the skin on my neck and let out a breath.

She knows how to get to me too. "You're not the only one who can play this game" She whispered on my skin. I felt her hips push into mine as she sucked on my neck.

"What do you want?" She growled in my ear. "Fuck me" I begged. "Say it again" Jaz demanded. "Please fuck me daddy" I begged.

My clothes were off in seconds. She started kissing my mouth. Slow kisses, filled with love. She kissed my chin then down my jawline, and my neck. I feel her hand wrap around my throat and squeeze tight causing me to moan. She kisses and sucks my shoulder, and goes down to my chest, leaving a trail of purple bruises. She gets down to my throbbing sex. She was moving so slow and I hated it.

I felt her tongue slide across my clit. "Jeez" I breathed. Her tongue flicked back and forth across my clit. I back started to arch. "Babe, Babe" I panted. She stuck two fingers in me and fingered me, having no trouble finding my g-spot.

I couldn't hold back any moans as I gripped the sheets, pleasure vibrating through my body. "What's my name?" She asked. "D-Daddy" I stuttered.

I felt myself cum, she sat up and looked at me as I shivered. She leaned over and kissed me allowing me to taste myself. "I'm gonna go shower" She said then left.

I threw a pillow at her. "Fuck you!" I yelled. "I just did!" She called back. 

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