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The moon was high in the sky, the light fall breeze filled the air. An abandoned building lay to waste in the middle of no where. But it was near Riverland High school. This building use to be a factory. Victor's Toy Factory. But after an strange explosion, the whole factory was shut down. Part of the building was crumbling to waste. No has been there for ages. But not anymore. Deep inside, a ladder can be found. Going down that ladder an brand new door can be found. Inside agent Barton and agent Walker stand at attention. On a large flat screen tv a man's face was looking at the two agents. The man was in his mid 50's, wrinkles run across his face. His blue eyes having no emotion in them as he looks down upon the two agents. A scar ran down the right side of his cheek and his neck. His white hair was chopped in a military hairstyle. Wearing a military black suit, the man grunted as the two agents finish their report.
        "So your telling me some of the targets came close to the van, and you didn't do anything?!" He snapped.
        "General Stone, if we had engage it would have alerted all targets that we were onto them." Said agent Walker.
         "Also if we had engage, the teachers would have evacuated the school, along with the other targets." Agent Barton adds.
          "Excuses! If I hear another excuse you BOTH will be facing penalties!" Roared General Stone, quickly making the two agents shut up.
         "NOW. Listen to me and DO NOT interrupt! I am sending troops to your location now. Tomorrow you will lead and get me those animals." General Stone bellowed.
       "But General sir! We still have 2 more days! We need more information before we strike!" Agent Walker babbled.
        "TOMORROW. You will get me those animals TOMORROW." General Stone snapped, then with that the screen turned off.

<~•*•~> <~•*•~> <~•*•~> <~•*~>

Peter Smalls never really fit in with everyone. His white, gray hair made him stuck out like a beacon in a middle of a crowd. He is scared very easily, to the point where the school bell makes him jump to the ceiling. And due to disliking to social events and his liking to nerdy stuff, Peter was considered the 'nerd' of the school.
But like everyone, he has a secret. A secret so big he can't tell anyone, not his friends Lucas and Kaito, not his only living relative, not to the whole word. If anyone finds out his secret, he would be dead. D.E.A.D. Dead. He did not want to end up like his parents.
Today was supposed to be smooth. Today was only the third day of school. Walking to his locker, Peter was grabbing his books for his fifth hour class. Turning around, he did not see where he was going.
Crashing to the ground, Peter landed on someone. A book went flying out of his hands, a squeal let out as someone else falls over. A gasp was let out as more people fell down.
"You can get up now." A voice says right under from Peter.
"N-Nova! Oh geez, sorry!" Peter stumbles, quickly getting up.
Brushing herself off, Nova gets up. Looking around at the chaos he had just made, some girls he knew were on getting up. Quinn, Feral, and the new girl were the ones he accidentally made them fall. Someone must of been carrying a soda, because Feral was dripping wet.
"You know, you should probably run while you got a chance." Nova says to him, her head nodding towards Feral.
She was mad, her eyes were throwing daggers at Peter. Yelping, Peter quickly runs off to his next class, calling sorry to them as he left the crime.
Laughing, Nova watched as he went. Getting up, Feral walks over to Nova.
"Where did he go?" She asks.
It was quite clear to tell she was mad, her face was red hot. Her hands were taking in the form of fists.
"To his class." Nova says, crossing her arms and smiling.
"Where is his class?"
"In the school."
"Where in the school?"
"In the high school."
"Where in the high school?!" Feral snaps, getting angrier.
"To his class." Nova says causally
"Nova! You-Gah!" Feral starts to say, then walks away angrily.
Over the loud speakers, the principal's voice starts to speak.
"May the following students come to the office. Feral Savor, Nova Carnel, Peter Smalls, Quinn Lyndale, Cassie Nightingale, and Jax Shantex."
     "Gah!" Feral yelled, turning around to the office.
      Stumping past Nova, she leaves a trail of soda behind. Following the trail, Nova heads to the office.

<~•*•~> <~•*•~> <~•*•~> <~•*~>

Nova really didn't think much about going down to the office. Walking into the main office, the school's nurse, Sara Tracy, was by the desk.
      "Please go into the principal's office." She says directing everyone to the principal's office.
      When going inside, Nova's heart jump a bit. Inside her friends Kaito Thomas, Lucas McGarth, along with Zach Diagon, Lilian Smith, Feral Savor and Evelyn James.
     It doesn't happen when Lucas and Kaito were sent to the office the same time as Nova.
      Behind her Cassie Nightingale, Quinn Lyndale, Jax Shantex, and Peter Smalls come in the room leaving the door open.
     The principal was no where in sight, which was kinda odd. Looking at the other side of the room two people in doctor coats stood. A woman wearing glasses and her blond hair tied into a professional bun looks at the children. While the man literally glared at them, his black hair was almost nonexistent.
      Looking over at everyone, Nova gave a 'what-the-heck-is-going-on?' Look. Both her friends gave her a shrug, while Feral was not looking to good. Her eyes were showing fear, fear of what Nova didn't know.
      "Hello, my name is doctor Walker. And this is doctor Barton." The woman introduced herself.
       "What's going on?" Evelyn asked.
       "We Have recently found a new type of dangerous fungus that lives in the mountains. And we think you 11 have been effected with it." Barton says, not giving any hint of emotion.
       "Dangerous fungus?! H-how dangerous is it?" Cassie asks in alarm.
      "We are not sure of all of its symptoms, but the last patient did not make it." Informed Dr.Walker.
       "H-how Long did the last 'patient' survive?" Zach asked, a worried look was spread across his face.
      "5 days." Barton bluntly says.
      Mumbles of worried carried though out the room, by now the door was shut. Jax looks at everyone and turns back to the doctors.
      "How do you know we may have been affected by this fungus?" He asked.
       "As I said, we think you may have been affected by it. Here I have a DNA test which you will all have to go though. This will tell if you do or do not have this fungus virus." Dr. Walker says.
       Walking over to a Black brief case, Dr. Walker opens the case. Inside, Nova quickly takes a peek at what's inside. Panic spread though her as she realizes what it is.
       "EVERYONE DOWN NOW!" She shouted, and without hesitation Nova pushes Jax, making him fall on everyone causing a domino effect.
      A dart shots though the air and hits the wall where Kaito was once standing. 
        The 'doctors', now being arm with dart guns start firing at the kids. Throwing a chair straight at the two, Nova grabs Cassie's arm.
      "Up! Up! Up! Run!" She yelled, yanking her up and throwing her towards the door.
        An sudden coldness wraps around Nova's neck. Gripping her hands around the metal collar, she was yanked back by 'Doctor' Barton.
        "Everyone settle down. Or I swear I'll make sure you all will suffer." He threatens, taking a step forward to everyone near the wall.
     A gasp let out of Feral, fear was showing in her eyes as she stares at the collar around Nova's neck. Both Zach and Jax share the same look, with a hint of surprise.
      "Or, we could do this!" Nova shouted, and without thinking for a moment she used her long legs to throw them up against the wall and pushing with all her might back onto Barton.
       Crashing into Walker, Nova lands on top of them both. Everyone took this chance to run out of the room.  A arm grabbed Nova, lifting her up. Peter lead as the kids rush out of the room, the nurse was shocked then she went down like a rock.  Turning around Barton held a dart gun.
       "EVERYONE RUN! DON'T LET THEM CATCH YOU!" Zach shouted, heading outside. 
      Running out, Lilian ran towards the school's wall. Stopping in his tracks, Jax ran towards Lilian.
      "What are you doing?!" He asked in alarm.
      "Distraction!" Lilian said, running over to the wall putting her hand in the fire alarm.
      Setting the alarm off, students are rushed out of their class. Just as the alarm goes off Barton and Walker exist the office, holding the dart gun. A senior, Josh Crooks, spots the weapon.
    "They have a gun!" He Yells and chaos erupted.

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