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Jinnie POV
Mommy was driving home as I was talking to her.
"Everybody was so nice and I saw Jimin-appa again!"
"W-what sweetheart?"
"I said I saw jimin-Oppa mom."
I accidentally said appa. Hehe I'm silly.
Jisu POV
I Know that I should see this as a sign but... Nope,nope it's a sign I gotta tell him. But then I turn and see Jinsou turning red trying to hide in a laugh. Oh how much my brother annoys me.
We get home around 8 and Jinnie is already sleeping. Great no interruptions so I could do this.
I hope he still has the same number
"Uh hi."
"Yup.Listen I gotta tell you-"
"Meet me at the Wellton
Park in 5. Bye"
"Ok? Bye."
That was easy I guess.

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