Chapter One: The End or the Beginning...

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Hey guys make sure to read tell the end for my update stuff! Enjoy the chapter!

As I stare down at my random doodles in front of me the teachers words become a blur. One day I'll be able to fly off to this world on my paper... a world where I'll be able to do whatever I want!

"Oliver!" Said a deep voice that broke my trans. "Please pay attention to my teaching..." He said raising a hand to his strained face.

"Sorry," I said turning my attention back to him.

After class I packed up my stuff and decided to walk home to afraid to take the bus. I didn't exactly live close to the school but a little exercise wouldn't hurt.

On my way out of the classroom I ran into three 3rd years who were waiting outside. Cautiously I held my sketchbook closer to my chest and attempted to walk past them...

Why did I think that would work!?

One of them held out their hand to stop me. "What's this diary thing your always holding?" He said snatching it out of my hand and began flipping threw the pages.

"It's not a-" I realized there was no point. "Look, can I have it back?" He grinned at me, an evil glint in his eye.

"I would give it back but... this is a piece of trash," and before I could stop him he began sprinting for the exit his two friends following him. I was smaller than all three of them so I didn't stand a chance.

I chased them out and around to the front of the school but I was to late. He tossed my notebook into the fountain...

Walking over to the fountain I took off my shoes and climbed into the dirty water. When I picked up my notebook water dripped off the pages and the inside drawings were all smeared.

"Later loser," echoed his voice in the distance. I clenched my fist but fell back into the water feeling defeated.

All of a sudden... I STARTED TO... DROWNED! Wait a minute, that wasn't part of the memory!


Letting out a small screech I sat up quickly, my whole body drenched in water. Coughing a bit I looked up to find my dad sitting at the end of my bed.

"Sorry for the rude awakening but you were in one of your deep sleeps again and you need to get ready," Not even a good morning... I didn't deserve one anyway.

"Why?" I asked climbing out of bed and holding my arms out to prevent my wet cloths from sticking to my body.

"Well, some new neighbors moved in next door and we've decided to go have breakfast with them so be down in five." With a heavy sigh I nodded and began getting ready.

By the time I got downstairs my parents were already waiting by the door, a tinfoil rapped dish in my mother's hands. I guess if there was one word to describe our family it would be perfect or at least that's what they think. Nobody's perfect...

"Do I have to-"

"Your going," Said my mom without hesitation.

In a very awkward line we walked out of our house and right next door to the neighbors. It seemed like they had settled down pretty well so far seeing as the porch was very neatly decorated and it nicely fit together.

We crammed onto the porch and because neither of my parents decided to do it so I rang the doorbell.

It took a few minutes but finally someone opened the door. It was a girl about my age and I could already sense the smirks on my parents faces. She didn't really seem like someone I would be into.

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