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Callous cackles bounced from the dank walls of the Malfoy's basement. A young girl of only sixteen innocent years twitched on the blood splattered tiles, her limp limbs splayed and twisted like the morals of her captors.

She let out a sour whimper, which only spurred on the harsh laughter. With a nonchalant flick of Draco's ebony wand the girls body began to heave with screams, the bones that supported her diminishing frame creeking under the invisible vice. Only when her tears had emulsified with the spilled blood and they'd heard almost every fibre in her body crack open did they stop the dark spell.

The skin of her lips was cracked and blistered from endless screaming, a dull throb encased every organ she possessed. She did however manage to utter the single syllable all the innocents wanted to know:


Once again the iron scented air was filled with evil shrieks. Draco reached into his pocket - still scoffing over the spilled blood - and produced a thin blade that shone menacingly in the dull light. A feminine hand coaxed the blade from him and he looked into Hermione Granger's flecked irises in confusion.

"Let me do it." She cooed.

He succumbed to her grip and the darkened glint that flashed through her eyes.

She approached the whimpering corpse, the blade brandished theatrically in her palm.

"You want to know why sweetie?"

Her tone was too soothing to sit comfortably on her malicious lips. Kneeling down her eyes became level with the child's who momentarily seemed to calm at her presence.

"Because you're a filthy little mudblood."

Sharp nails entangled in the victims hair pulling her cranium against the tiles so her throat was exposed.

"And you deserve nothing more than to be gutted like a pig."

Before a begging syllable could cross the girls lips, Hermione had painted a thick red smile along her neck, the same sick grin now plastered on her lips.

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