~Chapter 1 ~

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I trudged into the warm, summer's  afternoon and found the tree I've spent so many hours of my life just sitting under. I loved my neighbourhood. It was so friendly and across the road from my house, we had this cute little park filled with animals and beautiful flowers. I'd been doing this almost every day for about 4 years now. Lied to my Mum about going out with "friends", run to the park and sit down under my tree. My tree was my safe place, it's where I went to be alone and write. There was a little hole in the top where apparently some Squirrels once used to be but I kept my diary instead. I didn't trust anyone in my family with not "accidentally" stumbling upon it and reading it because that'd be far too embarrassing and I'd have to run away to Antarctica and live with the polar bears and start a new life. Instead, I kept it in my tree and came to it nearly everyday.

I climbed up the tree and reached for the same old diary I had for years. No one knew about my diary... I thought to myself No one knew  ANY of my secrets...

I didn't write the stereotypical diaries or any of that stuff. I usually wrote about the things I noticed that no one really cared about, I just enjoyed people watching. And the occasional BIG secret like, I liked this boy at school.

I'm not sure if I actually like, liked him or just like him as a friend but whenever he was around honestly I couldn't control myself. He only joined at the start of the term and I'd never even talked to him, let alone made eye-contact but there really was just something about him.

But, I didn't stand a chance, I was 100% sure he's straight, he definitely had that look in his eyes, you know what I mean?

I opened the diary and began writing the date, Friday 29th March 2019
But as I dropped my pen and looked around, I spied him in the corner of my eye. It was him. I'm pretty sure his name was Dan and honestly it suited him, a lot. Everything about him was your average high school boy but he felt different.

He looked over at me to catch me staring, open-mouthed and heart close to stopping and started to walk over. Shit, shit shit I thought. If he comes over, he'll realise how much of a loser I am and will hate me forever...

Instead, he just smiled and waved once he realised how I sort of wanted to be alone, then he just trudged off into the distance and I was left with my heart racing and butterflies everywhere.

It was at this moment I knew I really did like him.
I wondered if I'd ever get to talk to him properly. I tried to control myself as I started to write more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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