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Eve hears the cell next to hers being opened and sounds of Dave and another person entering. She moves over to the side where Dave will be. She holds onto the cold bars. "Dave?" Tears lace her voice making it far thicker than she had intended.

Then a voice speaks, one she had hoped to never hear again. She's going to be sick.

"Zachary how the hell did you manage to get the boss man himself?" There is silence, "Although it didn't come easy for you did it?"

"We got back to the mansion and when he found Eve gone, he went berserk. He wanted to leave immediately to find her. I was the only one that was around and so I was sent with him as back up."

The unknown man smirks and chuckles. "So they chose their enemy to help them find the girl. Not very smart of them I must say." There is more quiet at least at first then Eve hears the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

She is having a hard time keeping the vomit down. They are beating Dave and there is nothing she can do. Wait, did they take the weapons from her?

Eve isn't sure if they did or not. They didn't bother to restrain her. They wouldn't think of her having weapons would they?

Eve carefully feels were she secured her knife and finds it still there. She does the same for the gun and finds it there as well. She can't believe that they didn't bother looking. True she's never had them before, but they've had her in their care for damn near a decade, so of course she didn't then.

Eve is careful to not show her smile. Things won't go the way they think when they come for her. She knows that the bastard now beating Dave is coming for her and wants to force her. She'd rather die before that happens, but even better would be that bastards death.

She still hasn't figured out why he hadn't taken that from her before, but she feels that now will be different. She's not sure how she knows this, it's something she can feel.

She just wishes she knew if there was cameras or not in the room.

She wipes her tears away. Well maybe she won't be getting out of here this time, at least not alive, but she's determined to take that bastard with her. He's the one that made things so damn bad for her.

Her nightmares all stem from him. The nasty things he said to her. His touch on her. Just the thought makes her sick. She feels around to see if there is something that can be used as a toilet. To her surprise she finds a small chemical toilet not too far from her. She makes it to the toilet and lets out the contents of her stomach before falling down exhausted.

"So, Zachary, what would you like in reward for bringing me the irritating boss?" Just the sound of that man's voice is making her stomach want to heave some more.

"I want the girl. She's much tastier looking since she's been fed and cared for. She just wouldn't have anything to do with me before." The sound of Zachary's voice makes her sick once more.

Those words cause Dave to rouse himself, "Don't you fucking touch her you bastard! You aren't good enough to breath the same air as her. Stay the fuck away from her."

The other man laughs and the sound is so cold and evil that it makes Eve shudder. "Very well, as your reward for faithful service and bringing me such a prize I'll let you have her first.

"Tell me, Tuelleries have you tasted her yet? I bet she fucked you good during the time you had her, didn't she?"

"You are the sickest bastard I know, D'Nozzio. Keep your filthy paws off her."

"Oh, I will at least until Zachary is finished with her. I expect her to scream good and loud, Zachary. You hear?"

"Pleasure or pain?" Zachary asks in cold tones. Eve can't believe what she's hearing.

"Which ever you wish. Just get the bitch screaming loud for me."

"I'll make screams you can be sure of that, but they won't be from me. You bastards, you're both sick fuckers."

Soon after that she hears her cell door unlock and she has her knife in her hand ready to use.

"Eve, whatever you've heard it's not going to happen," Zachary says softly.

"How the hell am I supposed to believe you?" Eve demands.

"Because I'm not going to take your weapons away. I just don't want you to hurt me yet. I'll let you kill me once you're safe."

Eve sneers at him, "Yeah right. How did you know of my weapons?"

"The boss told me, rather warned me about them and I figured that they wouldn't bother searching a blind woman for weapons. I was right wasn't I? I need you to scream now, the Italian boss is wanting to hear your voice."

"I know, I heard him," Eve snarls at him. "How about I make you scream instead?"

"You can do that later, but now we really need to get you out of here. Dave's orders."

"Like you give a shit. You've been betraying him for years."

"You're right and you have no reason to trust me, but Dave is trusting me to get you out of here untouched by that asshole that's busy with Dave. Please, I need you to scream loudly."

Eve does mostly because she's frustrated and angry. She's tired of the pain and betrayal she's suffered for years. She finally found a home and she's been once more taken from it.

"Stay away from me you fucking traitor. Zachary I'm warning you stay away from me." Her words are deadly serious.

"Forgive me, Eve," Zachary hits her and she becomes dazed cutting her scream off abruptly.

"You'll give it to me willingly Eve or unwilling, doesn't matter to me." Zachary speaks a little louder than necessary.  Then he extends his hand to her and helps her to her feet.

In the other room Dave renews his struggles trying to get out of his bonds so that he can get to Eve. "Eve! Zachary, you're a dead man you hear me? You're a dead man walking." They all can hear the promise in his voice.

"Come on, we have to get out of here." Zachary whispers to her.

Eve sets her feet, "Not without, Dave. I'm not going to leave him here to be tortured and killed." She turns to the opposite direction Zachary was trying to pull her in.

"We can't go in there, Eve. He'll rape you in front of Dave, is that what you want?"

"He can't rape me if he's dead, can he?" Eve responds coldly. That bastard is going to die tonight and by her hand if she has her way.

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