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"Dammit can't you move faster? If I know Dave he's not going to wait for us to show up." Zander yells out in frustration.

"We're going as fast as we can. If the cops weren't paid off to not see us we'd have been pulled over a half dozen times for going at such a dangerous speed." They were going at near two hundred miles an hour. Dangerous doesn't begin to cover it.

While the two lieutenants argue the rest check their weapons and prepare for the war they thought they'd get earlier. But now there is a bleak determination that covers them all. Both their boss and Eve are in enemy hands. Well, maybe not their boss, but since he went with the traitor it's more than likely. They just hope that they won't find Reed dead or a traitor as well.

They come to the turn off and Leo slams on the brakes and barely keeps the vehicle from rolling as they take the exit.

He slams on the brakes again as they find Reed out waving his arms to get their attention. "Well at least he's not dead. Now the question is, is he an enemy as well?" Zander murmurs to himself as they pull over to the side of the street close to Reed. The other vehicles follow their example.

The men don't wait and immediately start piling out of the vehicles and putting rifles over their shoulder as they grab some of the other, smaller, weapons about their person.

"Zachary took the boss to a warehouse about two blocks east. He knows that Zachary is the traitor and I fear that he plans on having Zachary take him prisoner to get inside and close to Eve."

Most of the men start cussing, but not Leo. He lets a smile slide onto his face. "That bastard, fucking knows what he's doing, doesn't he?"

"What the hell are you talking about, Leo?" Zander demands, not up for Leo's puzzling speech today.

Leo takes out his laptop and rapidly pulls up information. "Since we were already tracking him and Eve their trackers are able to give us more information. I won't have a complete schematic, but I have enough to be able to find them both."

"Now we just have to get to them before the Italians kill them both." Leo says his face no longer smiling, but set in a cold hard look. Leo is young not yet twenty and he wouldn't be alive if it hadn't been for Dave. As for Eve, well he fell for her the first time he saw her. He knows she is out of his league and never intends to act on it, but she has his loyalty. Even if that means going against Dave.

Leo disappears up the street and the others scramble to follow. The men had placed silencers on their guns but they know that they still need to work fast.

As people see them they run to the nearest shelter and race inside. War has come to their neighborhood and they just hope that they will survive.

And they hope that the Italians don't win.

Especially the females hope this.

"Eve," Zachary whispers tugging her arm. "We have to leave. Hopefully the others will be here by now. Soon this place is going to be a war zone. We have to leave here before that starts. Dave would rather die than you be killed by a bullet."

"You leave if you want, but I'm not leaving Dave. And they stole my ring those bastards. I want it back."

Zachary stops trying to pull her to the exit. They took her engagement ring? They likely think that there's a tracker inside it. There might be, but he's willing to bet that it's not in her ring. But there will be no denying her when she's like this. The only way would be by carrying her and he's not willing to do that.

He doesn't want her to stab him just yet. He needs to get her safe first. Something she's making a thousand times worse for them both.

"There's nothing we can do for him," Zachary hisses out. 

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