Chapter 3

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I turned around and saw one of the five boys.
???:Hey my name is Justin what is yours cutie?
Me:My name is not cutie that is for sure
Justin had a sharp jaw line and blue green eyes his hair was dirty blond
???:Justin leave the girl alone your to ugly for her. Hey there my name is Ethan
Ethan also he a sharp jaw line and brown eyes and his hair was black
Someone's pencil tapped my desk I turned around and saw Bella and Lilly
Lilly:deja de hablar con esos chicos y comienza a tomar notas.(stop talking to those boys and start taking notes)
Me:pero no quiero escuchar la aburrida lección (but I don't want to listen to the boring lesson)
Bella and Lilly rolled there eyes
Me:stop rolling your eyes they are going to get stuck in the back of your head. I said with a playfull smirk
Bella: shut up
I placed my hand over my heart and pretended to be sad
Bella:So have you caused any trouble this morning
I rolled my eyes and said no
Lilly: don't roll your eyes or they will get stuck in the back of your head. She mocked and stuck her tongue out
Bella: Remember your not aloud to prank or fight anyone one your first day
Me: so I can prank and fight tomorrow. I said while smirking
Bella and Lilly: No!
Lilly: Julie you need Jesus
Me: Lilly you need Jesus and holy water after you and Nick finish doing the dirty in your room my room is next to yours my innocent innocent ears. I said while covering my ears
Lilly: shut up Julie!. She said while blushing
Me: next time one of you is feeling horny go to a hotel. When I was done saying that Lilly looked like a tomato. Pfff does she really think no one can hear them I'm sure the entire street can hear them ewww my poor innocent ears .
-------time skip lunch time--------
I walked into the cafeteria and got into the lunch line. I saw my crew and friends sitting at 2 tables. There is 20 of us including me Destiny, Lilly, and Bella' s boyfriend yep I'm the only single one out of us four girls great. Destiny saw my and waved her hand telling me to come and sit.

As I was walking over someone bumped into and spilled my soda on there shirt
I rolled the girl that was not wearing my soda literally had bleached hair a spray tan and was wearing a tight and short crop top and a skirt that was really short also had way to much make up on the girls behind her looked just like her 'great the "mean girls" of the school'
Me: who are you calling a bitch cause you must be looking in a mirror the only bitch I see is you and your shirt looks like something a prostitute would wear also you bumped into me!!
???: do you know who I am!??
Now we had the entire cafeteria looking at us.
Me: by looking at your bleached hair ,make up ,and spray tan you look like the schools slut not to mention your clothes
She was about to slap me but I caught her wrist and twisted it ' stupid bitch' she whimpered
Me: Don't EVER put your filthy hands on me or else I will beat the shit out of you got it
I let go of her hand and started walking over to my friends
Thanx for reading I finally updated. I was really busy with school but now in on summer vacation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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