Chapter11: Renji's Escape

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To Yoruchis and Uraharas' surprise he collapsed midway out of the emerald forest. Still tied in one piece, refusing to walk further. "This doesn't look good." Mumbled Yoruchi raising her arm scratching her head out of concern as she proceeded to further drag him against his will. "Shit. He's burning up." exclaimed Kisuke feeling up Renji's forehead as he knelt down noticing an outbreak of eerie reitsu omitting from his burning body as his unsheathed blade began to lit up glowing as it rested back against him.

All of a sudden their stern expressions changed into that of disbelief and concern. "Kisuke restrain him!" She commanded as she quickly noticed an outburst of fierce flames changing the atmosphere. His body was not like his own. Kisuke quickly overpowered him holding the boy down, giving Yoruchi enough time to perform one Kidō spell.

"Teme..." He panted screeching as he scowled and spat at the duo and their efforts. "Get your filthy hands off me!!" He demanded headbutting Urahara as he fell back silent, taking the hit. "YOU....Catwoman" he pointed at her angrily. "What the HELL have you done to me....?!!!!" He demanded breaking the rope knot loose as they lost direct control over him.

She sat up, unthreatened by the boys' remarks. "Hm, how amusing." She teased studying him as his new form unfolded, making him vulnerable to dark Kido spells.

"Looks like he completely linked his Zanpakutō to Kurosaki...this can't be good." She sighed shaking her head as she remarked to herself, holding in her thoughts without coming off as concerned. "Oh well."

"You naive child do you honestly think you can wield a stolen Zanpakutō let alone use a stolen Bankai?" She questioned sternly displaying lack of emotion, stepping down on his agitated body as she pressed in her spiked heels, digging into his flesh. "DAMARE OLD HAG!!!" He provoked her loosing their grip. "Wha...what is going on?!!!! He panicked watching his blade decay in terror. " Ugghhnn..." He groaned as he watched his body become engulfed in ashes.

"Time is of the essence we must warn Ichigo immediately!!" She exclaimed, attempting to hold down the fugitive to no avail. "He...he really...fused it..." She thought. "This can't be happening...he will die if this keeps up!"

Mean while Kurosaki leapt in for the chase attempting to track down the guards as he lay in wait observing the area when he suddenly began to lose consciousness. His body and state of mind rejected him as he collapsed without any explanation. His newfound form rejected him as two same Bankai's could never coexist. He suffered the same price as Renji. His soul now torn between two. He had to make a choice. A bargain.

An outburst of gust. An explosion of flames as the atmosphere took upon a twisted turn. Overpowering the duo as he was set on escaping, breaking each and every Kido spell he could as he completely released their grip. "He might have gone but he won't go far." Smirked Yoruchi with a one last resort in mind. "I've never thought I'd have to resort to this. She sighed, fiendishly eyeing up Kisuke up and down as she flashed him a quick smirk. " What was she up to this time?" He wondered rubbing his head no end no doubt. "You really are a devil." He laughed. "Watch your words Mortal." She hissed scratching his face as she smacked him cold across the face.

"Let's see how far you'll run Naive child." She giggled wagging her tail as she pounced on Kisuke licking his face as they made their way back towards soul society.

[ Back In Soul Society ]

"Let me go you have no right to violate me!" She shouted twisting her shoulders attempting to free herself from their grip. "Byakuya-dono's orders." They spoke up without remorse attempting to bind her arms as they proceeded to take her away further. "I've had enough of this!" She shouted. "For the final time." She spoke up. "Unhand me this instance or ELSE."  She demanded striking fear into the guards as they cowered in fear attempting to look away from her glare as they nervously held her down.

*Sigh* "はっか の とがめ!! Hakka no togame!" She swung her Zanpakutō knocking the guards out peacefully as she refrained from fully using her capabilities, temporarily freezing them in their state. "That should put them to sleep for a while." She thought before silently creeping away as she hid behind a box of crates attempting to leave secretly without alerting the guards of her presence. She knew not about the current state of events. "Ichigo. Please be alright..." She lightly sobbed, wiping off her tears as she searched for a nearby exit.

[Mean while back at the Kurosaki Residence]

"WHERE is he??!!" She screamed tearing the new door down as she was in a complete fit of rage. She slammed the door inviting herself in and causing havoc. "Sheesh. Calm your horses Tsuki." Exclaimed Karin glaring down at Tatsuki from the balcony. "What do you want?" She asked smoking one vanilla flavoured cigarette as she swept her black hair holding up a glass of Russian whiskey.

"WHERE is your brother?!!!" She demanded shouting out further as her harsh anger problems let slip. "Geez. You need anger management." Sighed Karin staring back at her in disbelief. "NANI?!!! What was that?!!!" Demanded Tatauki clenching her fists in complete outrage as she sent a kick flying through the door breaking the front paved glass.

Karin sighed asking her for the last time. "What the hell do you want?" She asked with disgust. "Pyscho." She thought to herself before stepping back out the balcony attempting to hold the last ounce of sheer patience before it erupted as she gripped the balcony railing.

Her tone fell. "Orihme...she... She's.." She weeped. "GONE!!" She screamed in another outburst of rage as she threw another fit breaking more obstacles in her way. "WHERE IS HE" she screamed pulling her hair as she couldn't stand still going vividly red with anger.

"I don't care." Replied Karin walking away poker faced as she closed the silver door behind her. Attempting to leave that "Pyscho" outside to her disgust as she walked ahead resting on the sofa, letting the least of her worries slip.

[5 Minutes Later]

Her house was stormed yet again. The door whacked down completely as it was cut down by an axe "DON'T YOU DARE POKER FACE ME" She screamed shouting in her face as she let herself in uninvited flopping herself down on the same couch while sending her piercing glares as she tugged her clothes screaming in her face as she seized her shoulders gripping them hard awaiting an answer. "Are you trying to seduce me?" She asked breaking her grip free as she teased her.

"What the hell?!" Tatsuki blushed hiding her embarrassment as she unhanded Karin breaking away from her. "S-sorry..." She coughed backing away from her as she sat herself beside her. " can I reach Kurosaki?" She asked glancing off away from her averting her gaze.

Karin slouched off her couch. Standing up as she stretched her back and loosened her stiff neck. "Hold on." She exclaimed reaching out her hand. "Huh?" Asked Tatsuki before Karin grabbed her hand pulling her close. "AHH!!?" She squealed unexpectedly as her cheeks turned pink. "What...are you...d-doing?" She shyly asked never been held by a girl. "Don't question it." She replied as poker faced as ever. "'re not planning to....kidnap me are you?!" She exclaimed watching her tomboy attitude crumble. "Close your eyes." Demanded Karin tightening her grip. "She..she's not planning to kiss me is she? What the fuck...I'm over thinking this....wait what if she actually... Likes ME?!!!" Gasped Tatsuki.

A slight push. "Open up." She exclaimed. "What already?" Asked Tatsuki confused but yet delusional. "Did you really think I'd kiss you?" Asked Karin eyeing her as she teased her. "WHAT?!!! She gasped " OF course NOT you freak!!!" She retorted crossing her arms as she backed away. "Hmp. You really are helpless. Am I that much like my brother? Karin questioned taking her seriously for once. " Some..somewhat." She mumbled. "Yeah..."

[  Stay tuned in and updated! ]

What lies ahead as Tatsuki is taken into a new world by none other than Karin Kurosaki?

What ever happened to Ichigo as he collapsed there helplessly?

Will Rukia manage to escape or will she be held down once more?

What happened to Orihime as she completely goes missing?

Will Ichigo make the correct choice and will he be able to be reunited with Kuchiki?

What lies ahead as a new rival approaches???

What will happen as Renji watches from the shadows planning his revenge?

Stay tuned in to find out folks!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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