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This chapter is dedicated to Abbyh2007, for encouraging me to update. ~ Horseshoe

Unknown POV




I need air...

They cant hold me forever, no one can. Not even my Grandfather could.

I will get out of here eventually... I need to get out.

I can't last much longer. They nearly broke me... if they try again i know that i will surcome to their dark wishes and no one, not even my brother will be able to get me back.

They will soon come to retreive me for my daily examination.

The deafening sound of soft footsteps approaching met my sharp ears.

I smirked to myself as they stopped at my cell door...

Finally, they are here.


Percy POV

Nightmare ~

I stood in a dark dense forest that overlooked the entrance to Camp Half-blood. It was about half past six at night. The trees stood still, illuminated by the gentle rays of the full moon.
No bird song could be heard. Only the occasional chirp from the crickets that hid in the long lush grass.

Two silhouettes stood huddled together under an old willow tree. One was a girl, judging by the golden colour hair that shone in the moonlight. The other a boy, his short raven hair looking darker in the night.

I didn't have to see their faces to know who they were. For I am the boy, and this is a nightmare, and this has already come to pass.

I watched myself from afar as I argued with Annabeth.

"Wise girl, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, I'm a demigod, a powerful demigod. My scent is strong and all the monsters will know where I live, and then they will come for My mom, Paul and little Estelle and..." Annabeth cut me off with a kiss.

"Calm down Seaweed brain, remember what Chiron said. The potion he made will cover our scent for up to an hour. That should give us enough time to go inside and wish Estelle a happy birthday." She said


"Shhh. We are doing this for Estelle, imagine how sad she will be if her legendary older brother doesn't show up for his sixth birthday party. She has never met you, this will be the best present ever." She reassured me

I tried to shout, I tried to get their attention but I  couldn't make a sound. I tried again, just to catch their attention so that I could warn them. If only we had known what was to come...

I gave a silent scream as I suddenly sat upright, panting. I remember what happened that night.

We arrived shortly after our first conversation, ready to meet my Mom, Paul and my new little sister, Estelle. You see, I haven't seen my mom and Paul since the Giant war. I also have never met Estelle, but I have heard a lot about her in the letters that I have been writing to my mom. I was expecting them to be thrilled when we got there, for Estelle's little face to light up when she first sees me, but what we saw scared me.

My apartment looked normal, just like it did I left before the Giant War. But this time, yellow police tape was taped around the front door. I could see several police officers walking inside the quiet building.

I didn't have to go inside to have known what had happened. Monsters. Monsters had found my family.

They may have not been my Biological parents, but they still were the closest I had to family.

I remember freezing as Annabeth tried to shield my eyes away from the house.
I remember crying as I realized what had happened. I remember the officer that came to ask if we knew anyone who lived in the apartment. After I explained my relationship towards them the police officer explained what had happened.

"We got a call from one of the residents in the neighborhood. They said that they were hearing strange noises coming from inside the house, so we sent in a few of our policemen on duty and they found your family in the dining room hall. Their injuries were critical so we moved them to the nearest hospital about an hour ago but it doesn't look good. All three of them are in a coma and it doesn't look like they are ever going to wake up." she said as she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

And all I remember after that was passing out and then waking up in the camp infirmary.

Chiron and the seven were there. All of my friends and my mentor looked at me sadly as they offered me their condolences.

But I didn't care, all I want is my family back...

I can't loose another family... not again.

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