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So most of you may now how I like to write radome crazy stories and what not, but I thought wouldn't it be better to have someone represent them.
So ladies, gentlemen, children, and animals of all ages.


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Ta da.
Name: Pandora Artemis Fox
Age: 13 years old
Birthday: April 4, 2004
Powers: she can teleport, fly, create force fields, telekinesis, and has a sword(I'll draw this up later).
Likes: Cupcakes, Tricks, Magic, Partying, Animals, Manga, Art, Anime, singing, and Platypus(there weird like her).
Dislikes: Mean people, Party poppers, plain things, fighting (if it's not for a good cause), and most of all, Bad guys, so watch out.
Favorite color: all of them.

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