Chapter 3 Part 4 Born To Be A Winner

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I wake up to klaxons and immediate disorientation. I am in a large bed in a strange, sparsely appointed, cavernous room with a semi-clothed Titus in the bed next to me, watching me, eyes unreadable.

"Did I go into a coma or something?" I ask.

"Yeah." Titus says, his mind firmly in his hands now, and closed to me. He still has hickeys on his neck and chest. "You slept for twenty-four hours.”

I tried to close those mental doors, put him back into the "big brother" zone. It was difficult this soon after waking. I kept remembering. "Are you alright?"

"I should be asking you that." He says evasively.

I close my eyes and conduct a quick self-assessment. "I should eat something. After that I should be fine. Unless something happened while I was out."

"You are in secure quarters." He says. "The Grand Producer was concerned with trade secrets getting out."

"Are we still on camera?" I ask.

Titus smiles. "No. We are a hit though. Our scene is being played all over the ship and for select subscribers." 

He swings out of bed and walks to a compartment and pulls out several plastic wrapped bars and a couple of pouches of juice.

"Here you go." He says. "We're at Hellpit.  You should start getting ready. They’re going to start staging the contestants in a few hours."

At "Hellpit" a spike of detectable fear and anxiety shoots through him, escaping his control.

I begin. “’Hellpit’ is the world where…”

“Bad shit happens.” He cuts me off. “And here I am again.”

Kaiju World equals Hellpit. I say aloud. "Oh shit."

"It doesn't matter that you've been modded up." Titus says. "Especially since you don’t even crest, Kryptonian, Daxamite, or Herald levels on your physical powers. "

"Where do you fall?" I ask.

"Olympian." He frowns. "You aren't even that... well actually they won't tell me what your ratings are. They moved you into secure quarters after they saw the love bites and my limp."

I mouth falls open, and he blushes and grins. "I told you to fuck me and I am damned pleased. I just don’t want to talk about it."

I nod. "So, what am I supposed to do here?"

"What did Rikkard tell you to ?" He counters.

"He told me to survive." I reply. "I survive and my all my debt is paid."

Titus frowns. "Wait... you don’t have a quota to bring in?"

I shake my head. "A quota of what?"

"No... don’t worry about it." He said. “This ‘Megafauna Spectacular’ is special production of a broader series called 'Bread and Circuses.' It is purest bloodsport with a very fluid cast. “

“And a very uncreative name.” I say.

“Only because you remember the history.” Titus chides me. “Listen. There is a starting area of silos surrounding an equipment cache, which in turn is surrounded by a force field. The producers have also had operatives in the wild harrying the local wildlife so they are in a hyper-aggressive state. They will have benen driving local wildlife crazy.

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