Chapter 6 Part 1 This Could Be A Sitcom, If Not For The Exploding Bodies

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My condo becomes a hideaway for what is, as far as the city is concerned (and therefore the Audience), an illicit affair. Despite being an adult, I was not "on paper," and we had to be careful.

Narrative wise, it is a terrible "scandal" and Carnifax's personal ratings are up from the attention.

I know because Producer West and Carnifax's agent, I.C., Bontemps, keep a running update when we're "alone" watching movies or television at home.

For his part, Carnifax is affectionate but nervous. This is his first time in a constructed relationship, and a lot is riding on his ability to produce believable intimacy with someone he is not attracted to romantically. The sex helps, but we have nothing in common and are unable to go out and do any of the things show couples are supposed to do.

He is at a loss in many ways... but I am not, so I keep having things for us to do. I use telepathy as little as possible, just to get the ball rolling.

On our third night together, I decide that three nights of just sex will be boring, so I hunt for something to do together that will be entertaining, but private.

So I pry a bit, and learn that he is a big fan of Unlimited Class Wrestling: all of the trappings of Pro Wrestling plus Superpowers. It was loud, gaudy and wildly destructive. I buy stuff he likes to drink and eat and when he comes over, I whip out the pay per view, and his nervousness evaporates and he relaxes.

After that, I make sure to talk to him, to minimize the psychic moments. I know that I like watching a romance develop and communication is key. This is a relationship that ignited solely with sex, but to make it last, it would have to built on something better.

The whole "ignited with sex thing" is a sticking point with his fanbase, according to West. They want a more "organic" foundation to the relationsup. However she feels that it was plenty organic because I am the scion of evil.

"He's the son of a god of evil." Producer West assures him. "You are the clone of the spirit of Truth Justice, and the American way, of course we are getting viewers."

Outside of their running account of Carnifax's fans who want my privates for defiling their paragon of virtue, a defiling they are watching with increasing numbers, the "romance" with Carnifax is surprisingly low stress.

He has his Guardsman, SHIELD, Avengers thing, and I have my own quiet adventures. I refuse to stay at the apartment being the prop-boyfriend who only exists when he is in the vicinity.

I follow Sister Guardwall's advice and explore the city. I adopt an "outside" uniform of sorts: work boots, jeans, black hoodie, blue t-shirt, and 80's style mirror wrap around sunglasses. I had to trawl a lot of thrift shops to find those. They were just as good as a mask in some ways.

Maybe that was why, after I finished my "super outfit," I finally felt safe to venture into Mutant Town.

I have no idea how The Bronx became New York's mutant ghetto, but I am struck by the poverty. The place was a mashup of the crime blasted landscape of "Wolfen" and "Fort Apache" combined with the mountainous sector buildings of "Judge Dredd" and "Cyberpunk 2020."

I briefly wondered why in hell I had come down here until I caught sight of something that made my blood run cold: me.

It was some sort of street deal. Money is given to him, and he gives a small bag of some sort of white powder and they part ways.

My feet are already moving in his direction before I consider whether or not it is a good idea.

Once in range, I brush his mind. His head snaps around towards me, and he takes off running... at super speed.

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