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We ate the food Eunice made and it was really delicious.
"Thank you so much for another wonderful treat Eunice" Will said as we walk outside the door.
"Anytime, Will. Thanks for the car also" She replied.
"Goodnight Malia, boys" he said and they returned the greeting as I walk him out.
"You have a very beautiful family Amaya" Will said suddenly and I smiled.
"Thank you" I replied, looking down at my hands.
"There's a party, and I'd love it, if you'd be my plus one. Would you do me the honor Miss Amaya?" Will asked out of the blue.
And I didn't know what to say, I just stare.
"I uhm I can't, I'm sorry" I replied.
"But why?" He asks and I twirl my head.
"Look, you seem like a great guy but I don't want this to happen further. We should probably say goodbyes" I say, putting my lips on a thin line and I could see the hurt in his eyes, but its for the best.
"I won't take no for an answer, but I will give you time. I know you don't know me much since I'm still a stranger to you. But, I'll try more. Goodnight Miss Amaya, not goodbye" he says and walked over to me, and I tilt backward in reflex as I watch him plant a kiss on my cheeks and I was really surprised at that move.

He got inside his car and drove off, leaving me bewildered.
I got inside and I hear murmuring, looking to where it was coming from I saw Malia and it seems she was on a call, so I just leave her to it and went upstairs.
Changed, and flopped into my bed and  covered myself, but something funny kept repeating itself in my head.

What Will did few minutes ago.

I really don't like where this is going.
I left New York to escape one man, only to be welcomed by another.
I grunt and dragged the covers over me, and try to welcome the sleep knocking.
But my phone annoyingly buzzed and I grunt again, grabbing the phone it was a call from Mike.

"Hey buddy" I say relaxing my back comfortably,  cuz this may take time.

"London girl" he says and I laugh.
"Missing me?" I say and it was his turn to laugh
"Of course I am. Work has been stressful and its worse cuz there's no one here to talk to or hang out with" he says with his funny British accent and I smile.
"Sorry about that, you should really get a girlfriend" I joke and he cough.
"The sound of it makes me cough already" he replies and I laugh.
"I have a message for you Amaya, its from Chase" he says, and just by hearing that name, my heart skipped a bit and I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear what it was.
"Okay?" I say, unsure of myself.
"He told me to tell you he's sorry for everything, he misses you and really wants to see you. Or just to even speak with you, even if you don't come back to him. He just said he had some things to say to you and that he's really sorry again" he finishes and I could feel my heart ache.
"Thanks" I replied silently.
"I hope I didn't ruin your mood Amaya?" Mike asked and I smile
"Not at all" I reply.
And we went ahead to have some chat, which caused me to sleep very late.
I couldn't get Chase out of my head, and it was annoying because I couldn't sleep.

Why was he apologizing right now, I do not even want to talk to him at the moment.

I forced the sleep inside me out, and let it embrace gently.



I got to work and met Ash, my stupid cousin seated and waiting for me.
"What do you want?" I asked without even waiting for him to say hi.
"Come on man, can't I just visit you without any drama?" He asked, and I close my eyes a little, suspecting him.
"What do you want Ash?" I ask again, running out of patience and he exhaled.
"I came to apologize, I know we've had bad history together but I'm really sorry and I hope you'd forgive me" he finishes and I stare at him for a while before the laugh I was holding bursted out.
"You're a clown, Ash. A snake, and a terrible liar. Now get out, before I make you" I say harshly and he stood up.
"I'm truly sorry Chase" he replied looking at me, and I could swore I saw a faint of sincerity in his eyes.
I shake my head, that's not possible.

As I take my seat, a knock came in and I let them in and it happened to be Justin.
"Hey man, watsup" he greeted, sending me a handshake which I welcomed and returned as well.
"Nothing, I just got my mood ruined" I say and he looked concern.
"I have a plan for us tonight, maybe that could get your mind off things" he says, fixing his hair
"Your plans are always bad Justin, what is it now?" I asked, folding my arms. He chuckles
"I've changed too Chase, you'll see" he said sending me a wink and I just shake my head.

"What are you doing here in New York?" I asked and he looked at me like I've  grown another head.
"I'm just here for vacation, and also looking for a wife, wanna marry just like you" he answers and I laugh out loud.
"What?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.
"You? Marry?that's not gonna happen" I say as I try to catch my breath.
"You'll see, I told you I've changed. And I'll prove it to you, very soon" he replied adding a wink and I laugh even more.


I was done for the day and met with Justin who was waiting for me outside my company, with his car.
I told Philip to drop my car at home and he did, so we're using Justin's.
He drove us to a fine bar and just as I predict,his plans are always bad.
We got inside and I was shocked.

Okay, maybe not bad.

This bar had old folks everywhere, and just the waiters were young.
"What is this place?" I ask as I follow Justin to have a seat.
"Its called The Granny's because its for old folks mostly but I enjoy this place cuz its quiet and very comfortable. You'll love it, I'm sure. Come on"

And truly it was comfortable, we played snooker and some other games, and it was very lovely and for once I didn't think about how crappy my life is but I just relaxed.
"Thanks Justin, Indeed you're just-in time to save my ass." I complimented and he bow like I was a king or something. We both enjoyed ourselves and me especially, didn't regret coming here.

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