Chapter two

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Hey guys thank you for checking my book out. Please if any mistakes are spotted tell me politely and for sure I'll correct it. Again thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy.


Quote of the day

"Don't chase love, fame, or success. Become the version of yourself and those things will chase after you"


We had left and we're sitting in the private vip airport lounge but before that what had my eyes grow itself three sizes and jaws drop was our escort. Linda had brought her black limo and inside it was a professionally dressed butler which loaded the little luggage I had packed then awkwardly bowed down to me as I was entering the limo.

I was a little weirded out because I was being treated like royalty but in reality was an ordinary teenage girl.

When I first saw our luxurious way of transport I couldn't believe it. "Woah! This is so amazing, I can't believe I am actually sitting in a limo. Is this the way all rich people feel?" Probably not I mutter to myself. I kept my excitement to myself; on the outside I kept a cool and calm face not showing an ounce of emotion even though I was going to explode in the inside. My first thought was WOW Linda was way richer then I thought she could ever be.

Ya, maybe I saw her in the magazine some few times but the mother I knew couldn't even afford a van for goodness sake. Maybe that's why I didn't think she could have such profile and class.

There were bodyguards trailing after us and what seemed like millions of paparazzi in the lounge.

"Who is this girl"

"Is she your daughter"

"How is the new magazine sponsorship going and when will it come out" paparazzi screamed while the flashes from their cameras making me go almost blind.

'This women had to be ridiculously rich and famous'

The vip service on the airplane provided us a secret pathway helping us to escape from the paparazzi which lead us to the first class cabins.

We had finally made it to our pods and was getting comfortable in my seat. I hade never sat on a plane before and for my first experience this flight was very welcoming; Right off the bat a lady came and started to explain what we were gifted with in our seats "Givenchy-Designed pjs and Ferragamo toiletry kits to help enjoy those classes of Dom Perignon a little bit more," She says as I finally zone back to earth and to tell the damn truth I'm as clueless as any of you. "Another key element is that we have provided beautiful perfectly groomed flight attendants that will personally transform your seat into a full-length bed and happily tuck you in with no problem." Well talk about awkwardness. Overall i didn't care but the best part to me was the fact that they gave each person their own tv, laptop, and headsets.

People must have already noticed that this was my first time on a plane since I was gawking so hard at everything. The person who was supposed to be my seat partner had still not arrived and I was hoping they didn't make it so they don't have to experience my weirdness.

Linda was sitting a few seats behind me and was glancing at me once in a while to see if I was comfortable. Despite how much I hated her I was kinda grateful she was here for me at the moment. I just wished dad could have experienced this with me. I remember when he would talk about us going on our first trip when he finally saved up enough money for the both of us.

I was so busy in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice the most gorgeous man I've seen in my life standing right in front of me. He was giving his bags to what seemed like a personal assistant.

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