...Chapter 2...

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"Olivia?" The doctor called me into her office.
I sat patiently as I watched her grab a stack of files from the 'Z' cabinet. She plopped them on her desk and put hand sanitizer on her hands. A doctor thing I guessed. She examined me from across the desk with her eyes. Then she took my hand and pinched each of my finger tips In between her thumb and pointer finger.
"Mhm, just as I thought" she muttered writing something down.
I waited until she talked again I watched my fingers gain color 30 seconds later.
" Olivia, you should know that type III leukemia is very serious. Based on your blood count, you should be eating more. Not to mention resting more."
I nodded, I had heard this hundreds of times before.
"Take theses twice a day, I want to see improvements by next week" she tore off a piece of paper with a prescription on it. F.S. It read. Food supplements.
I left the office with a frown. I looked as dead on the outside as I felt on the inside.
I just wanted to not have to be any different then the girls at my old school. The place I used to go to before I started taking online classes.
I used to tell myself 'get up Olivia, go to school. This is your last chance to try to have a normal life' , but I just laid there. Unable to move until my absence at school became unnoticed. I was eventually taken out of the districts system and most likely forgotten by everyone.
They told me it was for the best, but I missed being able to go to school. My memory of it faded until I didn't even remember what it looked like.

I couldn't remember what it looked like.

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