Chapter 1

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       Chapter 1

      Caroline P.O.V

 3 years since the drama and all that crazy mess washed up onto Mystic Falls, my home was changed forever in those years... hell, my own life was changed more than any teenage girl could ever imagine it could be. Human one moment, then dying by your look-alike best friend to change you into a vampire. Who we now know as the bitch Katherine Pierce, I rather not want anything to do with her if I have the opinion to stay far away from her.

But the bottom line is, Mystic Falls has reached the point where it has grown quiet, peaceful and shit hasn't exactly hit the fan yet. And I have to say it nice to just live in a peaceful town where you don't have to worry about who coming to kill you or who out to get you... Oh and most of all I forgot to mention how I've fallen madly in love with.... Well, Stefan Salvatore, yes I've fallen in love with my best-friend and I couldn't be happier. It was the best decision of my life but I was shocked when he approached me that night...

 It was the best decision of my life but I was shocked when he approached me that night

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8 Months Ago
I could feel the air slipping from my lungs as I dared to swim just a little bit farther, pushing my inhuman limits, as I did another lap around the pool. It was peaceful to come here at night when no one was around, this was a place no one knew I even came to, and I liked it that way. This was my place to escape the madness of my so-called reality, even if it was just for a little while it was good enough for me. With the last bit of air leaving my lungs, I kicked myself off the bottom of the pool floor over to the siding of the pool, whipping away the water droplets from my eyes I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Was someone watching me? And that thought alone creeps the hell out of me. Why would anyone be here at night and most of all why didn't I sense them... It might have been the fact I was under water for over 9 minutes but that still doesn't change the fact someone was here with me at this moment.

My blue crystallize hues scanned my surroundings, but whatever I saw was no longer there. But no longer feeling as comfortable in the water I placed my palms firmly on the ground to push myself up out of the water, is it me or is it sort of satisfying when the water rushes down your body as you exit the water. Maybe it just me, but I'm sure if I were to ask another swimmer they'll agree with me or not. A low chuckle left my lips before a branch crack from the side could be heard. Okay, this time I'm not going crazy and there defiantly someone here with me. "Okay I know you're out there so don't bother in hiding I'll chase you down if you try to run." I declare in a firm voice, my eyes looking sharp as knives into the darkened area. Of course, the only area that not lit up with the pool lights would the person be hiding in, just my luck, why couldn't us vampires be gifted with like super good night vision?

"Fine, you caught me." A male voice spoke out and this certain male voice was one I knew far too well and I could tell it without even looking at the darken figures faces. "Stefan?" I questioned aloud, all these thoughts piled up in my head and I knew confusion was written all over my face. Stefan had stepped into the light; he was a tad more dressed up than usually or maybe I just liked it when he wore his flannel shirt and dark jeans. But his hair was defiantly more styled up than usual, I could defiantly tell by his poster that he was nervous, man I must know him far too well by now: I'm not saying it as a bad thing. "Now I can see all the questions forming in that head of yours... And before you start bombarding me with those questions... Let me ask you something Caroline— "He paused for a moment as he dashed to stand right in front of me, I stopped breathing for a moment as my eyes locked with his. "You've been avoiding me like I'm the plague? Now I know why that is, I got a little too drunk and made a fool of myself... But I don't see how I can blame myself your beautiful Caroline, an angel of whom shouldn't be worship but someone who shouldn't be cherished for all you are worth." His words made my undead heart skip far too many beats to keep count of anymore. I could remember the night I and he sat up in his room drinking, Elena had thrown a party some sort of celebration I think it was about becoming owners of a bar with Damon.

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