As we end one life we start a new

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Third P.O.V.

Finding a locked vampire in a dungeon should be scary. But not for David for he just went mindlessly about, as you can hear the yells and groans below the floorboards. "Let me out" or "I Will Tear you Apart" will be heard passing by the basement door. 

"How long does this take?" Caroline asked, her face buried in her hands "Till he gives up the charade." Lexi replied back. "Talking will help, but it more about making him feel again. Now the only to get through blood raged Stefan, is offer some other blood supplements in a shot glass. I'll take this one." Alexia said, pushing herself off the chair, pulling up her bag onto the table, she had previously gathered deer blood this morning, that is after she spent an hour with a special someone. 

Pouring the contents into the glass, thick red blood swirling as she left for the basement. "Stefan, Hungry?" she spoke pushing the door open. He got up and ran, being jerked back from the chains on the floor. "Now that wasn't nice." She placed down the glass on the small table, walking to him she pushed him down to the ground, flashing her eyes red "I'm older, remember that." She starred him down "I will only tell you once, come back to us, and I'll let you have a drink." She walked back over to the glass, swirling it "You fought this before, came back even stronger, I know you still feel guilty. I looked at all the names Stefan; why care about a name if all you say is it for fun. This is who you are? HA. The Stefan I know would want to tear this version of you apart. " She said harshly, with a disappointed look. "I'm sure Rebekah looking-" She cut him off with a large grin saying "Nope, you're all ours to use as we will." 
The two siblings were at the bar, Alexia had warned him of his father arriving but he wanted to, just as dawn started to fall, it was a madhouse. Guns shooting down left and right, knowing a deal was a deal, he took Rebekah and left out the building "Nik" She spoke, pulling out a wooden bullet from her white blood-stained dress "GO, I will distract them. Find Elijah, he should be where you've last seen him. I will reach you there;" he directed to her, "No, I will face this with you, I can't leave Stefan here." She pleaded, the sounds of people screaming as they left the building "Micheal here, I was waiting to confirm it till now." He let out a sigh "I will make sure he is safe. I rather risk my life than your little sister." Watching as she could only agree, he kissed her forehead and then she was off, far away from this monster of a father. His eyes roamed the area, he could almost smell the stench of an asshole, the only thing left is to make a distraction before leaving himself.  

"You always manage to surprise me. Let me guess, you used your charms to lure her away?" He rolled his eyes, "To your knowledge, I used my wits of knowing of what to come. So Stefan, care to come back to reality, we got months to do this. Day in. Day out." she made a mouth pop to add in some flair "This what your doing isn't going to work out as you expect. I want to be like this, the old me was weak, pathetic, and hangs around far too many needy women." he sneered, in return she kicks his foot, spilling some of the blood onto the floor "Ops. There goes dinner. I'm absolutely famished, I'm going to step out and grab a bite. Think about this;" she places the glass on the floor, just out of his grasp. "This is how you're treating us,  pushing us just out of reach." 

Upon finding Caroline sitting, staring into a mirror, she looked to be in a trance "Caroline?" Lexi questioned, her shaking her head, as if she wasn't here fully, "huh, oh, has he come back to the light?" gaining a no headshake, she was about to take a seat just as the front door got knocked on. "Coming" lexi opened the door, finding her suiter "Seeing you are here, I was right." She grinned wildly as he went to entered yet, he was halted stop. "Human owned, Is the human home to allow me entrance?" her eyes loomed over to Caroline who rolled her eyes "Why should we let you in?" She questioned the man. "Well, Alexia here said she would give me very interesting information. If in turn, she was right, I would send Rebekah far from here. And free of charge I shall offer my comedic comments, as you two try to change a perfect specimen, Stefan." Caroline had called down David, his hands covered in paint "Yes Caroline?" He asked she pointed to the door "If you feel he safe, allow him to come in." She grinned at Klaus, her attention looming back to the mirror, she felt as if something or someone was trying to call out to her. But it was only a feeling.

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