I trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we're not wise enough to see it .
أثق أن كل شيء يحدث لسبب، حتى ان لم تكن لدينا الحكمة الكافية لنراه .
☆○○○☆○○○☆○○○☆هل ترى الحكمة في حياتك؟
ف الله انما يوفقنا لأفضل حياة من الممكن ان نعيشها
Do you see widom in your life?
God only leads us to the best life possible for us
أنت تقرأ
ENFJ Wisdom
Random(عربي/ English) genuine advices of enfj's whose their experience in life is always a treasure that is carved in their hearts .. a treasure worth fighting for ... for it only left behind nothing but pure nostalgic Wisdom ♡ Dear reader ... you know ho...