Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher.~~~~~~♡~~~~~~
فالتحط نفسك فقط بأشخاص سيرفعونك لأعلى ويعلون قدرك.
(الأصدقاء هم من يجعلونك تظهر بأفضل ما لديك ) ..
ما هي المقولة المفضلة لديك؟(Friends are who make you look your best) ..
what's your favorite saying ?
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ENFJ Wisdom
Random(عربي/ English) genuine advices of enfj's whose their experience in life is always a treasure that is carved in their hearts .. a treasure worth fighting for ... for it only left behind nothing but pure nostalgic Wisdom ♡ Dear reader ... you know ho...