"I just wanted some chips"

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⬆⬆ Ariel up top ⬆⬆
👑Ariel's P.O.V👑

"WHERE ARE THE TURTLES" I laughed as I watched the "The Office"... For the third time, what can I say? I'm obsessed. I'm Ariel Con, I'm 20 and I live with my friend Max, we have been friends since the begining of middle school.

My parents are divorced and I lived with my mom all my life and visited my dad when he was off work. Now I'm in college so I finally get space from my crazy family.

I reached into my bag of salt and vinegar chips and pulled out... air. I growned and grabbed my remote to pause my show. I walked to Max's room which happend to be across our small apartment hall.

"MAX", I threw a pillow at her sleeping body. "Get up girl we need to go to the convince store". She reached for her phone squinting like a vampire at the brightness. "Ariel it's 2:00 am GO. AWAY". " Fine I carried, ill just get kidnapped" (little did I know😒)

"Ughhh fuck it im up" She said.

I glared at her for her language and grabbed my wallet I was in my pj's which consist of sweat pants and a tank top, the same for Max.

"Remind me why we're walking to the convince store at two a.m"?

"I'm outta chips" I simply replied shrugging my shoulders.

We walked in the store hearing the ding of the bell on the door and went our seperate ways to get our snacks. I grabbed my chips, and a pepsi and waited at check out for Max. I convinced her to let me pay for her snacks which were hot fries and Arizona sweet tea, since I dragged her out here at two a.m. We rung it up and I gave her her bags and grabbed mine.

"Max come on you look so tired let's take the short cut".

" Naw girl you see that alley way look like you gone get raped or some shit".

She was right but I was tired,

"come one girly it'll be fine". I replied rubbing my eyes. "Girl I think the white part of you is comin out but whateva this Puerto Rican can't run so if we get caught I'll haunt your skinny ass".

I laughed but it was true I'm half white half black but people always assumed I was half Spanish and half black since I didn't look like I had a drop of white in me. So yea maybe my white girl was coming out a little. Max was Puetorican but barley spoke Spanish since she tended to get an attitude with language teachers.

Max was on the bigger side, always had been but it didnt help her boobs we're HUGE and she was just so short and cute with her long hair died red at the ends.

Me on the other hand had average size boobs I was 5'9 which I HATED, my hair went a passed my shoulders but not too long the only thing I had going for me was my butt. I never saw how I had a butt but everyone always had told me I did so I appreciated it.

"Alright deal you can haunt me",

I laughed. We started walking I look over to see Max scrolling through her Instagram. She ALWAYS had dudes in her dm. She would talk to them until they became to much for her. Me? No, I had a private account for family and friends only.

Max used to have a certain liking for guys which was mixed, spoke Spanish and tall. However as we got older she decided to switch to females. I didn't get it how she could just play with so many people but we were just two different people I guess. I started to hum to take a bow by Rhianna.

Max of course tried to over hum me like she always did now she wasn't my BEST friend but we were close. Both my best friends went to different collages. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to check the time. 2: 45 am. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket, I looked up and thought I saw... Men? I elbowed Max to try and get her attention I guess I elbowed her a little TO hard as she took out her earbuds and said rather loudly

" OW ARIEL" I pointed to the men who were now looking towards us. I saw they had a man pinned against the wall but the tallest one dropped him.

They slowly made there way towards us and before I could make out there faces I looked at Max and told her to run. I was running so fast I was wondering why I didn't listen to my coaches in high school and join track. I noticed that Max was falling behind a few steps since she couldn't run that fast she got grabbed first I couldn't leave her, I just couldn't I turned around just to bump into a hard chest.

I fell on my butt and looked up to see the most handsome man I had ever seen I'm my life.

"Holy shit"

I said. The man smirked at me and helped me up. "What are you doing out at this time princess"?

He was tall covered in tattoos dark brown hair and piercings. "W-well I just wanted t-to get some snacks and I-I came this way" and I couldn't help it I was so scared I bust into tears.

"I-im sorry please don't hurt me". I looked up at him he seemed to be at least 6'7 his eyes filled with sadness "babygirl don't cry I could never hurt my princess, I'm Hunter".

He said looking at me, " And your coming with me". He said next thing I know there was a cloth over my mouth and I was loosing conscious.

My last thought was I just wanted some chips. Before passing out completely into dream land.
Was that good for a first chapter? Please call me out on any grammar mistakes and feel free to let me know what just could work on in this story. I'm open to constructive criticism at all times. I'm not perfect so help me please haha!
Do you think Hunter meant what he said? Tell me why you think so or think not. 🙂 *smiles* thanks!
Thanks for reading the first chapter please vote! Peace out my little brownies!

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